Beautiful Mass Vestments Project
I've renewed this old campaign in honor of the late Bp. Robert C. Morlino of Madison. He loved the vestments we had made and was 100% behind what we were doing, are doing, and will be doing.
Rather than create an all NEW campaign it's easier to continue this one with an increased goal - after all, the settings for this one work, so why recreate the wheel?
What your TAX DEDUCTIBLE donations have done and will do next....
We completed a new VIOLET Solemn Set. made it happen. I wanted a Solemn set, so that we wouldn't have use pieces out of the Pontifical set and haul them all over the place.
The WHITE PONTIFICAL set with the diocesan coat of arms on all the pieces continues to serve well. These vestments will be great for Pontifical Masses, Solemn Masses and ordinations. We will use them for ordinations in June 2019. Here is a shot from 6 August 2017 - Transfiguration (more photos there):
NB: Matching altar frontal, coat-of-arms on the dalmatic... even the tabernacle veil matches. And now we have extra copes for Vespers, and extra-large dalmatics for the... ehem... plus-sized, etc.
In 2018, ordained 3 men to the priesthood on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, which needed RED vestments. I had 3 chasubles made to match our RED Pontifical Set which we already have.
Here are shots of the red set, in action.
Our upcoming TMSM projects include (that is, why I am asking for your money):
1) BLACK Pontifical vestments (better than the rather dreadful ones we have now) also with "folded chasubles" for... ehem... Holy Week.... but don't tell anyone.
2) Another Solemn set or two, one, at least, in white or gold, very rich if we can manage it.
3) BLUE Pontifical vestments... I know, edgy, right? They will be truly stunning. Resistance is futile.
4) ROSE Pontifical vestments because... hey! ... we have a wonderful bishop and you never know who might want to have a Pontifical Mass for Gaudete or Laetare!
5) Cardinal's cappa and additional Pontificalia (the three essential miters, etc.), two ferraiuolos so that we have it when it will be needed.
6) Altar reliquaries and additional vessels.
The Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. You can make a tax deductible donation.
Please get involved and give us a hand?
Use this campaign or send us a check.
Tridentine Mass Society of Madison
733 Struck St.
P.O. Box 44603
Madison, WI 53744-4603
Many people working together can accomplish much in a short time.
Blessings and best,
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (fatherzonline.com )
President - Tridentine Mass Society of Madison
More shots of what we are up to with the Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison...
Usually Bishop Morlino celebrated at the Throne, but sometimes at the Faldstool.
Too much incense at this Pontifical Nuptial Mass at the Throne? Nahhhh.
We pray for the deceased priests of the diocese on All Souls.
What the new priests looked like in their matching gear. Note, matching antependium and burse. It was all from the TMSM. That means YOU. NB: maniples.
From Corpus Christi 2018 ... Pontifical Mass at the Throne, Bp. Morlino giving Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament after the Procession.
With folded chasubles in violet.
This is the set we must replace. SOON! Yesterday is not too soon. HELP!
The Extraordinary Ordinary. We miss him.
We really miss him.
"C'mon... donate, already. You know you want to."