Love for Lucas
Donation protected
Lucas was born on March 23, 1999 he was 6 lbs. 12 oz. he was a healthy baby boy. He was walking along the furniture in a walker, sitting up, crawling. His favorite song was who let the dogs out and his favorite foods were chicken noodle and mac and cheese. When he turned 13 months old he started having seizure. When he turns 15 months old he had 2 grand mal seizures that lasted 45 minutes to an hour, which resulted in him losing his hearing. Within the next couple of months in a rapid fashion he lost the ability to do anything. He went from a healthy functioning baby to basically a rag doll. Doctors are not sure what is wrong with him, and as he grows he is getting progressively worse. They diagnosed him with having a neuro-progressive degenerative disorder. He developed asthma at 24 months. As he has gotten older he has had pneumonia over 150 times. He has a Chiari, malformation of the brain which is a condition in which brain tissue extends into your spinal canal. He was diagnosed with having a Mitral valve prolapse occurs when the valve between your heart's left upper chambers doesn't close properly. Which leads to blood leaking backward into the left atrium. He also suffers from what’s called Gastro paresis which reduces the ability of his stomach to empty its contents. He has a Neurogenic Bladder which, the bladder does not contract forcefully. He also has acid and urine reflex. He was recently diagnosed with having the second most severe form of epilepsy which is called Lennox Gastaut syndrome. Recently he had genetic testing done and we found out he has a chromosome that is missing a bunch of genes, which we now know correlates with all his medical issue’s, but thing we were unware of was that he was going to lose his eye sight. We were told he has optic atrophy type 3, this is where the nerve that connect the brain to the eyes will slowly deteriorate until he can no longer see. So you can imagine how upset we all were. Lucas loves to watch his sports, cartoons, trees, balloons and car sides. What we are asking for his help to get him to the places he has not seen yet and before he loses his eye sight, unfortunately I do not work because I take care of Lucas so I don’t have the money to do all the things I would like to with him. Lucas has 2 brothers and 2 sisters who love him to pieces and they too are trying hard to raise money do things with him. As a family we are all devoted to Lucas and would love to be able to see his Pittsburgh Steelers, and travel with his sisters and brothers to see many other things he likes. Please help this little boy. Thank you
Denise Marie
Old Bridge, NJ