Donation protected
I live in a school bus . I have been converting the front half to live in and the rear into a star trek toy and prop museum as a way to support myself in the future. I wish to travel and share my love of trek with others .I have invested all i have and have no more to give it .I move from parks ,truck stops and parking lots and work temporary service jobs to barely get by . I need to finish this bus to survive. I need to build a ramp for backdoor .Build and install displays for the items ive collected .Lighting and sound to give experience of being in a borg cube . Paint and cube outside with skeleton frame .I need funds for fuel and lot fees to go to conventions, flea markets and paying bday parties or private events to get started . This is all i am now and need help finishing my dream . You can see my facebook group "BORG BUS" and what ive put into it . Once ive completed it and have a stable future i want to give back to this world by donating a kidney and later donating 3d printers to interested kid groups with any profits from this endeavor. If you can see my dream and willing to support my cause i thank you . alan. THE ALPHA BORG ..
Alan Knoles
McAlester, OK