Brayden is Heart Strong
Donation protected

Brayden's story begins the October prior to his birth. Lyndsey and Andy found out they were having a baby and things were going great! After numerous doctor appointments they were informed he might have a few problems. Soon, a few problems turned into problems they had never heard of, nor could find any information on. Lyndsey and Andy found out Brayden had Ring Chromosome 18, and Monosomy 18, both problems could and would cause major health issues like deformities and basic body functions. If not having any information on that was hard enough, they also found out B had 2 fairly substantial holes in his heart.
Brayden was born and rushed to NICU(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) for immediate evaluation of almost everything! For a few hours everything was shaky and very nerve racking. Brayden was born with NO physical abnormalities and all his bodily functions were working properly. After his Echocardiogram(Echo), mom and dad started seeing good things. Only one hole in the heart! No thin area in the Aorta, so no immediate heart surgery! He still had a hole in his heart which would require surgery, some day. One valve was still not working quite right but was not a major issue yet.
Fast forward to 2018. Brayden Thomas has had five open heart surgeries, 3 heart catheterizations, 3 skin graft surgeries, his tonsils removed, 1 cochlear implant, a feeding tube and nissen fundoplication.
This past January, Brayden was sick with pneumonia so mom and dad took him in for a follow up appointment at Sanford to discover the bottom right side of his heart was not beating. The doctors thought there was a good chance it was from the pneumonia and would get better. A couple of months later, they go in for a follow up appointment to learn it was not any better and they needed to head back to Ann Arbor Michigan for testing.
The Mager's traveled to Michigan in May for a cath procedure and were told there was nothing they could do to help Brayden at this point. No procedures or medicine to make his heart better. Lyndsey and Andy were told that it appeared he had a heart attack on the right bottom side.
Lyndsey and Andy listened to the doctors advice and knew the best and only option for Brayden was to try for a heart transplant. They soon began testing to find out if Brayden would be a candidate. They were informed in early June that Brayden was accepted to be placed on the heart transplant list in Ann Arbor Michigan at the University of Michigan Motts Children Hospital.
Lyndsey and Brayden plan to leave Andy and Zoey behind the weekend of July 27th to move to their temporary home in Michigan. Once they arrive, Brayden will have one more appointment to finalize everything and should officially be on their transplant list by August 6th.
This GoFundMe page is to help the Mager's with all of the expenses this whole process will put upon their family monetarily. No one can help with the emotional strain as they go through this time in their families lives but hopefully we can all band together and help with the monetary strain.
No one knows how long Brave Brayden will have to wait for his new heart, but his surgery is just the start of the long road this family has ahead of them. Prayers and love to these four amazing individuals who make up one awesome family!
Fundraising team: Team Brayden (4)
Anna Mitchell
Harrisburg, SD
Lyndsey Shoemaker Mager
Wes Mager
Team member
Jay Engebretson
Team member
Zoey Mager
Team member