Breast Cancer: What WE Do Echoes an Eternity
Donation protected
What WE Do Now Will Echo an Eternity!
Help me help you, help those you love and others. Because without your help, I won't be able to help anyone!
We are looking to raise funds to offer a Free License to a given University Medical Center Hospital based upon Nominations we are receiving from you and others. These nomination forms are included at the bottom of this GoFundMe site. Whichever University Medical Center Hospital is chosen, it will receive a Free License to use FMTVDM/BEST.
As an introduction, I am a Physicist-Physician who has patented the first ever "Quantitative" test which "Measures" changes in tissue as the changes occur. These changes include being able to measure the "Transitional" changes leading up to cancer, including Breast Cancer, along with finding cancers sooner and for the first time, being able to "Measure" if your treatment is working. Thus providing for the first time, patient-specific, patient-responsive treatment based upon where you are at on the “Health-Spectrum” (see the "Health-Spectrum" attachment.)
It took me 18-years to develop and patent this test, known as FMTVDM/BEST (Patent #9566037) and it was critical to keep the information out of the public spot light until the patent was issued. By doing it this way, it kept FMTVDM/BEST out of the hands out of Big Pharma and Big Corporations who would have simply driven the price of this test out of the affordability of so many people. FMTVDM/BEST can only be done at places which have a "license" to use the patent and within the license agreement is the REQUIREMENT that these sites MUST provide the test to everyone independent of insurance and personal finances means.
Medicine is NOT a business. It is not about billing codes. It is not about the Government. Medicine is about taking care of YOU!
Having now patented the test and having successfully kept it away from Big Pharma, we published more than 20 papers in 2018 and presented at 7 different conferences with several more papers and conferences already set for 2019.
A Major University Medical Center Hospital is now implementing a license to use FMTVDM/BEST and will soon be announced. The selection of a given University Medical Center Hospital will be at my discretion given the following criteria.
1) The Center MUST have a Commitment to Excellence,
2) The Center MUST have a demonstrated Commitment to the Community it Serves,
3) The Center MUST demonstrate a commitment to Patient Compassion, which means they must agree to the license requirement that all individuals, independent of insurance or financial means, will be provided this test - PERIOD.
The only costs for these individuals will be the actual cost of materials needed to do the test, which should run somewhere between $50 to $75.
Even the insurance companies will benefit from this license requirement because prior efforts to do this type of test, which lacked the calibration, enhancement and quantification abilities, typically cost patients, insurance companies and the Federal Government in excess of $1200. Our goal is to cap this test at $350-500, with your out-of-pocket costs not to exceed $50-$75.
While FMTVDM/BEST accurately, consistently and reproducibly finds and measures these changes leading up to and including cancer, as well as guide treatment, it is meaningless until it is used to help people.
This fund raiser will allow us to do just that as we both license the patent and work with the right people to help get the word out, so that FMTVDM/BEST will be available sooner than later and help save lives by guiding treatment and defining what is really happening in the breasts of both women and men.
If you would be kind enough to consider contributing to this GoFundMe campaign, it will help us get a free license to a University Medical Center Hospital.
I would be honored to provide a presentation for your group or organization.
For the cost of a night out, you can be part of a medical breakthrough with the potential of saving hundreds of thousands of lives. We would appreciate a minimum donation of $25 to reach our target goal of $50,000.
Radio Interview on iHeart Radio and LA Talk Radio
Further information and details about FMTVDM/BEST and what it can do for you and those you love and care about.
"Health-Spectrum" tells women and men where they lie on the spectrum of "Health," how rapidly they are changing, how aggressive the cancer and transitional changes are and how they are responding to treatment.

The sequence of steps involved in acquiring and measuring FMTVDM/BEST Imaging.

Example of a woman who took a soy product and showed worsening breast health over time. Showing the importance of knowing exactly what is happening to you by "measuring" the results using FMTVDM/BEST.
Example of a woman who took a soy product and showed improvement in her breast health over time. Showing the importance of knowing exactly what is happening to you by "measuring" the results using FMTVDM/BEST.

Forms for Nominating a University Medical Center & It's Associated Hospital to receive a Free License to use FMTVDM/BEST.

Help me help you, help those you love and others. Because without your help, I won't be able to help anyone!
We are looking to raise funds to offer a Free License to a given University Medical Center Hospital based upon Nominations we are receiving from you and others. These nomination forms are included at the bottom of this GoFundMe site. Whichever University Medical Center Hospital is chosen, it will receive a Free License to use FMTVDM/BEST.
As an introduction, I am a Physicist-Physician who has patented the first ever "Quantitative" test which "Measures" changes in tissue as the changes occur. These changes include being able to measure the "Transitional" changes leading up to cancer, including Breast Cancer, along with finding cancers sooner and for the first time, being able to "Measure" if your treatment is working. Thus providing for the first time, patient-specific, patient-responsive treatment based upon where you are at on the “Health-Spectrum” (see the "Health-Spectrum" attachment.)
It took me 18-years to develop and patent this test, known as FMTVDM/BEST (Patent #9566037) and it was critical to keep the information out of the public spot light until the patent was issued. By doing it this way, it kept FMTVDM/BEST out of the hands out of Big Pharma and Big Corporations who would have simply driven the price of this test out of the affordability of so many people. FMTVDM/BEST can only be done at places which have a "license" to use the patent and within the license agreement is the REQUIREMENT that these sites MUST provide the test to everyone independent of insurance and personal finances means.
Medicine is NOT a business. It is not about billing codes. It is not about the Government. Medicine is about taking care of YOU!
Having now patented the test and having successfully kept it away from Big Pharma, we published more than 20 papers in 2018 and presented at 7 different conferences with several more papers and conferences already set for 2019.
A Major University Medical Center Hospital is now implementing a license to use FMTVDM/BEST and will soon be announced. The selection of a given University Medical Center Hospital will be at my discretion given the following criteria.
1) The Center MUST have a Commitment to Excellence,
2) The Center MUST have a demonstrated Commitment to the Community it Serves,
3) The Center MUST demonstrate a commitment to Patient Compassion, which means they must agree to the license requirement that all individuals, independent of insurance or financial means, will be provided this test - PERIOD.
The only costs for these individuals will be the actual cost of materials needed to do the test, which should run somewhere between $50 to $75.
Even the insurance companies will benefit from this license requirement because prior efforts to do this type of test, which lacked the calibration, enhancement and quantification abilities, typically cost patients, insurance companies and the Federal Government in excess of $1200. Our goal is to cap this test at $350-500, with your out-of-pocket costs not to exceed $50-$75.
While FMTVDM/BEST accurately, consistently and reproducibly finds and measures these changes leading up to and including cancer, as well as guide treatment, it is meaningless until it is used to help people.
This fund raiser will allow us to do just that as we both license the patent and work with the right people to help get the word out, so that FMTVDM/BEST will be available sooner than later and help save lives by guiding treatment and defining what is really happening in the breasts of both women and men.
If you would be kind enough to consider contributing to this GoFundMe campaign, it will help us get a free license to a University Medical Center Hospital.
I would be honored to provide a presentation for your group or organization.
For the cost of a night out, you can be part of a medical breakthrough with the potential of saving hundreds of thousands of lives. We would appreciate a minimum donation of $25 to reach our target goal of $50,000.
Radio Interview on iHeart Radio and LA Talk Radio
Further information and details about FMTVDM/BEST and what it can do for you and those you love and care about.
"Health-Spectrum" tells women and men where they lie on the spectrum of "Health," how rapidly they are changing, how aggressive the cancer and transitional changes are and how they are responding to treatment.

The sequence of steps involved in acquiring and measuring FMTVDM/BEST Imaging.

Example of a woman who took a soy product and showed worsening breast health over time. Showing the importance of knowing exactly what is happening to you by "measuring" the results using FMTVDM/BEST.

Example of a woman who took a soy product and showed improvement in her breast health over time. Showing the importance of knowing exactly what is happening to you by "measuring" the results using FMTVDM/BEST.

Forms for Nominating a University Medical Center & It's Associated Hospital to receive a Free License to use FMTVDM/BEST.

Richard Fleming
Los Angeles, CA