Brenda Green Memorial Scholarship
The Brenda Green Memorial Scholarship was established in 2007 by our family to encourage and come alongside high school Seniors in Spring ISD looking to pursue a career in education.
Brenda Green was an impassioned and influential educator in the Spring Independent School District for 20+ years. She believed that being a teacher wasn't just a position, rather a privilege, and was sincerely devoted to helping her students succeed. She believed in higher education and that EVERY child had the capacity to learn and do great things!
Her passion, enthusiasm and commitment was contagious - widely recognized by all who knew her - educator and student alike. Her motta was, “Reach One . Teach One.” As a family, we couldn't think of a more fitting way to honor her legacy than by recognizing future-instructors that carry the same fervor and excitement to pour into coming generations.
When we (the surviving immediate family of Brenda Green) created this scholarship 9 years ago, the short-term goal was simply to help fund college expenses for phenomenal students looking to become future teachers. Now, we see this as a long-term investment in the community that allowed Brenda to flourish. If this scholarship fund can, in some way, inspire great leaders to rise up, further their scholastic career and then exude the same level of excellence and greatness into the education community at large - we will have reached beyond our goal!
We have turned to GoFundMe with our fundraising efforts because we want to offer a greater level of assistance to our applicants. So far, our Father, Rodney Green, has been a sole contributor to the fund simply because he believes in it THAT MUCH. We would like to see the endowment have a broader reach. Many of you out there may have children, some of you may even have kids that are in public or private schools. Regardless of whether you do or don't have kids - I think we can all agree that as a community we want to know that our future generations are being trained, guided and enlightened by excellent teachers.
The scholarship is for graduates that plan to enroll as Full-Time college students. In addition to this, candidates must submit a completed application and include their academic, extracurricular and community service achievements. Recipients must demonstrate compassion, hard work, community service, school spirit, leadership and the desire to challenge themselves.
The Spring Independent School District Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID #76-0383444. Please accept our sincere appreciation for your generous donation, continued support of our teachers and for helping expand the educational horizons of our students.
Please accept our sincerest gratitude and utmost appreciation for your generous donation, the continued support of our teachers and for helping to expand the educational horizons of students in our community.