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Bring Apollo Home to our School!

Donación protegida
We are building a BRAND NEW playground for grades 4-6 at Fox Creek School. The old, worn down equipment had been removed a few years ago, and we've been working really hard to replace it, raising $180,000 so far!
We've raised enough money to put most of the equipment planned in, except the Apollo. Apollo was originally funded, but the funding fell through. We want Apollo to have it's spot in the playground. This guy spins, can fit up to 30 kids, is accessible for children with mobility issues, everything! It is an awesome piece of equipment!!
Without raising the funds for Apollo, we will unfortunately not be able to purchase it. Our goal is for the playground to be ready to go this summer, and so we need to order the equipment right away. We need your help to finance this last piece!


Fox FortheChildren
Fox Creek, AB

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