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Bring Ruben Home to his Family

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As we all know, the immigration system in the US is broken and has had a devastating impact on many families. In March 2012 Ruben Flores Garcia was deported to Mexico, while he was at work, despite having legal status and a work permit  His family has been struggling to survive without him since he was ripped away from them by ICE agents. His wife, Lina has medical problems and receives a meager disability check, which is woefully inadequate to support her family, let alone any money left  over for the thousands of dollars in legal and other immigration expenses. However, Lina has had a lot of great help to raise funds for this purpose, and she has a pro bono immigration attorney who has worked diligently to help her. 

They have finally been able to move their case through the ICE system to the point that Ruben now has an appointment with Mexican government officials who can move him much closer to coming home. He needs $5000.00 for application fees and for travel, lodgings and food so he can travel to Mexico City for this meeting.

Please help us raise the funds to help bring Ruben home so he can be with his family. His wife needs her husband and his sons need their father. They all need him home so he can support his family, emotionally  and financially.  

Please give generously so this family can be reunited.


Karen Epple
Gainesville, FL

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