Help save our home.
I want to thank you all for taking the time to read this, and for the consideration of your help. My family is having major Issues with our mortgage and need help to get current, we are in need of $3,500. we are in Pre- Forclousure. If anyone can help with anything at all it would be greatly appreciated, I am in a power wheelchair and am only on SSI. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you so much.
I am 39 years old and in a power wheel chair due to cerebral palsey and am on SSI, with a 10-15 hour a week part time job, but it just isnt enough with our past bills and am desperately in need to your help and soon.
We desperately need help. Over the past year the engine in my van went, and needed to be replaced, I also had to pay for repairs on the wheelchair accessable portaions of it, ramp repair, hydralics, etc. So those were not cheap by no means thus causing us to fall behind on Mortgage, also some of my medicine was not covered so I had to pay for pain pills etc in excess of $200 plus a prescription. Along with a couple operations that needed to be done for my husky Dollie Baby we just found ourselves in this serious spot and are in need of help.
And on top of everything else my brothers work, the payroll company shorted him 50 hours of pay this week, so we won't even be having a Thanksgiving dinner or anything this year.
Please anything can help us out at this point, even the smallest amount is appreciated. Thank you everyone for your help. We need to have the funds as soon as posible, we need to have them in the mail soon or as late as the 24th of this month thank you all so much.
Thank you.
Wendy, Brent and Dollie Baby
PS: as an aspiring author I plan to have a few books published eventually.
I would like to thank my donors with a book once published as a thank you if they so desire, although there will be no timetable for completion haha. As you never know when a dry spell will hit.