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Build The Wall: 10 Feet Higher

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In late 2016, the WSU College Republicans constructed an 8x20 foot wall on Todd Steps. We engaged in debates and tried to raise awareness of the issue of illegal immigration and border security. This event ended up drawing literally thousands of people and made it on national news. Two years later and under new management, it's time for the WSUCR to once again take up the mantle and defend the rights of our people, the sovereignty of our country, and the importance of our border. However, building a wall (10 feet higher this time) and paying for the various security and fees necessary to make this event as safe as possible and also own the libs mercilessly is no small task. We ask for your help; any and all donations can go a long way towards making this event a massive success and spreading conservative values on our campus and every campus in the country! All proceeds will go to: building materials, tools & equipment for construction, rental of security equipment and personnel, all necessary permits, etc, gas money for volunteers, and any miscellaneous costs the university tries to throw at us Help bring the fight for our country's future to the place it matters most!


  • Anonym
    • $10
    • 6 yrs


Amir Rezamand
Moscow, ID

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