BVI Relief
Donation protected
We have an emergency on our hands and your help is desperately needed.
The BVI has been destroyed and thousands of people are in need of help. Many of you have been to the BVI and many intend to go some day. But your help is needed now and immediately.
The people of the BVI have been welcoming friends to hundreds of thousands of sailors and now they just need a little of those smiles and welcomes back please. We don’t hesitate to tip 20% at a restaurant for good service so please can you consider a donation as a well-deserved TIP for your past or future sailing vacation.
NauticEd is committed to rebuilding what we all love and cherish. And we are uniquely positioned to help because of our far reach to a vast amount of sailors everywhere.
In addition, Sail Magazine has agreed to publish the donation amount that we present to the BVI people. The amount will match what you see on the funding campaign, making this a fully legitimate, auditable and immediate relief fund.
We’ve started a Go Fund Me emergency relief campaign to HELP the people of the BVI
First, let me tell you about the BVI and why they have worked so hard to deserve this. Personally, I have visited the BVI a dozen times. Virtually every person and every business in the BVI ultimately helps and supports the sailing community to offer the best of the best to sailors from all corners of the planet visiting their gorgeous island resource. The people there are the friendliest people. Every time I visit I feel so welcomed. Even the businesses there operate with genuine heart. They are hard working people with families. They know their economy survives on the sailing vacation industry and they do everything possible to make your British Virgin Islands experience wonderful. I have many friends in the BVI and they love living there and they love the locals.
The BVI Government is responsible and welcoming. I meet government officials every year at the Annapolis boat show. They are friendly and warm people.
For 10 years that NauticEd has been in business, we have supported the BVI economy be sending our qualified sailors there for the experience of their lifetime. Most people return multiple times. The islands themselves are THE FIRST vacation destination we at NauticEd recommend to sailors wanting their first sailing vacation experience. The sailing area is line-of-sight navigation, there are no rocks and navigation hazards to worry about, there are many many islands and bays and anchorages. There is so much to do there that a week sailing is not enough. The island based restaurants are fantastic. My favorite is the Cooper Island Beach Club – it is a wow by all international standards.
NOW, we want the islands to get back up and running as fast as possible but how can the people even begin to clean up, refloat the boats, untangle the mess of masts and sunken boats, refit and fix remaining boats without first tending to their own family for food and housing?
We have little information on when they will be back up and running fully BUT WE CAN ALL HELP GIVE BACK by helping them tend to their basic needs first. We plan to get money there fast and immediately as it comes it. At the Annapolis Boat Show in the first week of October we will present to the BVI officials the summary.
As soon as the BVI dig out and are back up and running, we will let you know and begin promoting the BVI again as a preferred sailing destination. We will do what we can to further boost the economy.
Typically a sailing vacation with airfares hotels and boat rental will cost of the order of $10,000 which mostly works out to about $1000 to $2000 per person. This becomes one of the cheaper more fun vacations that one can have. And, I always say that if you can think of anything more fun – well you can probably do that on a sailing vacation anyhow.
What I’m asking is that you help our sailing family by donating a small percentage of this amount to help and we will help reward you back for your efforts.
If you’ve been to the BVI, or ever wanted to go, you know how valuable their resource of the islands and friendly people are. So please dig deep and donate the level you are comfortable.
Consider this a tip on the amount you spent there or an advance tip on what you will spend next time.
Please donate to any one of these levels.
$1000 - we will match by upgrading you and your spouse to the Bareboat Charter Master Bundle of courses and give you a NauticEd BVI Relief Teeshirt
$500 - we will match by upgrading you or your spouse to the Bareboat Charter Master Bundle of courses and give you a NauticEd BVI Relief Teeshirt
$200 - we will match by upgrading you or your spouse to the Skipper Bundle of courses and give you a NauticEd BVI Relief Teeshirt
$100 we will match by giving you a NauticEd course of your choice up to $70
$50 we will match by giving you a NauticEd course of your choice up to $40
$25 - we will give you kudos (but please can you dig a little deeper)
The BVI has been destroyed and thousands of people are in need of help. Many of you have been to the BVI and many intend to go some day. But your help is needed now and immediately.
The people of the BVI have been welcoming friends to hundreds of thousands of sailors and now they just need a little of those smiles and welcomes back please. We don’t hesitate to tip 20% at a restaurant for good service so please can you consider a donation as a well-deserved TIP for your past or future sailing vacation.
NauticEd is committed to rebuilding what we all love and cherish. And we are uniquely positioned to help because of our far reach to a vast amount of sailors everywhere.
In addition, Sail Magazine has agreed to publish the donation amount that we present to the BVI people. The amount will match what you see on the funding campaign, making this a fully legitimate, auditable and immediate relief fund.
We’ve started a Go Fund Me emergency relief campaign to HELP the people of the BVI
First, let me tell you about the BVI and why they have worked so hard to deserve this. Personally, I have visited the BVI a dozen times. Virtually every person and every business in the BVI ultimately helps and supports the sailing community to offer the best of the best to sailors from all corners of the planet visiting their gorgeous island resource. The people there are the friendliest people. Every time I visit I feel so welcomed. Even the businesses there operate with genuine heart. They are hard working people with families. They know their economy survives on the sailing vacation industry and they do everything possible to make your British Virgin Islands experience wonderful. I have many friends in the BVI and they love living there and they love the locals.
The BVI Government is responsible and welcoming. I meet government officials every year at the Annapolis boat show. They are friendly and warm people.
For 10 years that NauticEd has been in business, we have supported the BVI economy be sending our qualified sailors there for the experience of their lifetime. Most people return multiple times. The islands themselves are THE FIRST vacation destination we at NauticEd recommend to sailors wanting their first sailing vacation experience. The sailing area is line-of-sight navigation, there are no rocks and navigation hazards to worry about, there are many many islands and bays and anchorages. There is so much to do there that a week sailing is not enough. The island based restaurants are fantastic. My favorite is the Cooper Island Beach Club – it is a wow by all international standards.
NOW, we want the islands to get back up and running as fast as possible but how can the people even begin to clean up, refloat the boats, untangle the mess of masts and sunken boats, refit and fix remaining boats without first tending to their own family for food and housing?
We have little information on when they will be back up and running fully BUT WE CAN ALL HELP GIVE BACK by helping them tend to their basic needs first. We plan to get money there fast and immediately as it comes it. At the Annapolis Boat Show in the first week of October we will present to the BVI officials the summary.
As soon as the BVI dig out and are back up and running, we will let you know and begin promoting the BVI again as a preferred sailing destination. We will do what we can to further boost the economy.
Typically a sailing vacation with airfares hotels and boat rental will cost of the order of $10,000 which mostly works out to about $1000 to $2000 per person. This becomes one of the cheaper more fun vacations that one can have. And, I always say that if you can think of anything more fun – well you can probably do that on a sailing vacation anyhow.
What I’m asking is that you help our sailing family by donating a small percentage of this amount to help and we will help reward you back for your efforts.
If you’ve been to the BVI, or ever wanted to go, you know how valuable their resource of the islands and friendly people are. So please dig deep and donate the level you are comfortable.
Consider this a tip on the amount you spent there or an advance tip on what you will spend next time.
Please donate to any one of these levels.
$1000 - we will match by upgrading you and your spouse to the Bareboat Charter Master Bundle of courses and give you a NauticEd BVI Relief Teeshirt
$500 - we will match by upgrading you or your spouse to the Bareboat Charter Master Bundle of courses and give you a NauticEd BVI Relief Teeshirt
$200 - we will match by upgrading you or your spouse to the Skipper Bundle of courses and give you a NauticEd BVI Relief Teeshirt
$100 we will match by giving you a NauticEd course of your choice up to $70
$50 we will match by giving you a NauticEd course of your choice up to $40
$25 - we will give you kudos (but please can you dig a little deeper)
Grant Headifen
Austin, TX