On June the first, we watched Amanda Uitto, Levi Mclaughlin and Heather Matons' dreams came true when we, close family and friends gathered together and helped them into their new home.
Today we SAW THIS.
It was a beautiful sunny summer, hottest day of the year it seemed, in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.
Were you making dinner, preparing a bbq, visiting with friends perhaps at the beach, like me?
OR, were you alone, having a nap and were awoken to this.......
In Amanda's own words....
"I decided to have a nap the day after my friend's wedding. Out of a dead sleep, I was woken by the panic of my friend, screaming and telling me that the house was on fire and we had to get out NOW. I was still half asleep and couldn't comprehend what was going on.
I ran into the hallway and that's when I saw the flames already bursting through the sliding glass door. I tried to find and grab all our pets. I got our dogs, and got out in the knick of time. Our two cats were no where to be seen and I couldn't get to my gecko, Herman, as my room was already engulfed in flames.
I was in full panic mode, crying harder that I ever thought was possible. Hyperventilating so bad the firemen had to put me on oxygen to try to calm me down. I was able to get my dogs to my car and as the flames came closer, I had to drive my vehicle out of the driveway.
My brother, Levi had just pulled in and my friend Tyler ran to Levi's car to tell him our house was burning down.
Levi tried to calm me down as best he could but I could not stop crying and screaming, "Everything is gone!"
While our cats were possibly dying, I was down the street in a neighbours driveway on oxygen with two firemen helping me. Tears were streaming down my face as I sat and watched the house burn while not being able to do anything about it.
At that time, I was taken to the Abbotsford Memorial Hospital for smoke inhalation and possible carbon monoxide poisoning while my brother and friend stayed behind to watch, what we used to call home, perish.
As we had not yet completed our first full month in the house, our house warming party was two weeks ago, we had decided to get contents insurance on the first of August. Moving expenses including hooking up utilities, change of address fees for our mail, etc. had created a temporary shortfall.
Today, was the first day we were able to gain quick access, due to safety concerns, to the house accompanied by the Fire Marshall, to see what essentials we could find that had not been damaged beyond recognition. There wasn't much, at all.
All of our beds are smoke damaged. I bought mine less than a week ago. Some of our clothes can be saved, washed or dry cleaned, will the smell ever leave?
Coming from someone who doesn't have a lot, this experience has left me hollow. Certain things CANNOT be replaced, like the handmade table from my papa who passed away. It was the only thing our family had left of him,
My brother, my best friend and myself are homeless, couch surfing at friends and with family. Going in there today brought back all of these emotions, thoughts and feelings. How could this be the same place, the place I fell in love with the first time I saw it? How could this be the backyard where our fur babies played, the deck where we all lounged and enjoyed the sun, the kitchen, where we all gathered around papa's table? How can be this have been my home, when it is now my nightmare. When it is now a fear that has crept in and may never go.
We're thankful that none of us were physically harmed.
I am grateful I'm alive."
The Fire Marshall has absolved Amanda, Heather and Levi of any responsible for causing the fire. It is still under investigation.
Amanda, Levi and Heather, Christmas, 2017
Heather is an old soul, a hippy, a peace, love and happiness young woman with a good eye for photography. Her facebook page says, "If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies." Heather suffers with Lupus. On Sunday, Heather was at work in the City of Langley at Chop Chop, helpless.
Levi is a major brainiac, car enthusiast and all around wonderful person. On the day of the fire he had hoped to be out hunting around for a new car, but instead came home to find it gone.
Amanda is the big sister to Levi and her younger brother Tanner. Amanda is the big sister to the world. It has been nice for Amanda to be living in Abbotsford as she works out there and had been previously commuting from Langley to her job at a sleep apnea firm in Abbotsford. On the day of the fire, she lived to tell this tale.


Housewarming party. Heather with pals and Amanda and Levi's Mom, Connie.

Moving in day, waiting for the cable guy with Nacho.

"The Crew," at our house, Father's Day, 2018, Amanda, Tanner, Roy, Levi, and yours truly. Happy memory.

Leaving the final words to Amanda.
"I am still in shock and can’t quite wrap my head around what happened. I feel alone and lost and find myself often bursting into tears as I know that everything I had is gone. In times like these there are so many good people that come forward and help in whatever they can. I truly want to thank everyone for their continued support and generosity. It will be a long, hard road ahead and many more tears I’m sure but I will remain strong. I love all my family and friends with all my heart. Feeling grateful. It could have been a lot worse. "
Photo credit, Heather Maton, the night before the fire.
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Thank you all for your contributions to support these wonderful young people, these kids, that I love as much as if they were my own.
Good night,
Patti Parkinson