Bory is Still in the Hospital
Donation protected
We got Bory, a Maltise from South Korea that grew up in a veternary teaching clinic, alittle over 3 years ago through Happy Angels Dog Rescue and he has been our Baby boy ever since. He spent most of the first 5 years of his life in a cage only taken out only to have the intern Veteranarians practice various medical proceedures on him. Unfortunately, he had his ears removed, his voice box taken out, his tail was taken he has had teeth removed and for some strange reason a chunk of his tonge was taken.
Despite all of this Bory has remained a total sweet heart. So imagine my horror, when on Monday morning while getting ready for work I noticed Bory in a huddled mess of bloody diarea and looking scared and disoriented. I took rushed him to the local vet where they quickly realized that with an irregular hearbeat and a temperature of 104, they were not equipped to handle a patient in such critical condition.
Despite all of this Bory has remained a total sweet heart. So imagine my horror, when on Monday morning while getting ready for work I noticed Bory in a huddled mess of bloody diarea and looking scared and disoriented. I took rushed him to the local vet where they quickly realized that with an irregular hearbeat and a temperature of 104, they were not equipped to handle a patient in such critical condition.
After being reffered to a 24 hour Care animal hospital, and well over $1000 in diagnostic tests, they have concluded that he is severly diabetic, and has a condition called Diabetic ketoacidosis.
From Wikipedia:
From Wikipedia:
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a potentially life-threatening complication in patients with diabetes. DKA results from a shortage of insulin; in response the body switches to burning fatty acids and producing acidic ketone bodies that cause most of the symptoms and complications
TL:DR - The trooper held on so long without letting us know he was in pain, that he almost died completely from lack of insulin.
TL:DR - The trooper held on so long without letting us know he was in pain, that he almost died completely from lack of insulin.
He also has Pancritis that often times goes along with being DKA. So he's going to be on the hospital for a while. Please Help me help him to continue to live the good life we have tried to provdide him since he came into our lives. He really is a sweet sweet boy that loves walks and car rides. Loves to kiss everybody especialy Pretty girls that get to close. He likes Hikes and the beach. He's so brave and never shows any weakness He even smiled at me yesterday while waiting for the Doctor. Help Bory. click the link below to see why we adopted Bory.
Nate White
Encino, CA