On November 14th, the first annual GoFundMe Heroes Celebration was held in San Francisco, California. Five community-nominated change-makers were honored in front of a live audience where they received an award and shared their incredible stories. Today, we are introducing you to one of those Heroes, Charlie Hyatt of Columbia Station, Ohio.
One afternoon, a few years ago, Charlie went to her local VFW to volunteer and spend time with some of the veterans there. She was invited to play bingo in the domiciliary, where some of the homeless veterans in the association receive medical care. There, she had many moving conversations and really began to see how much need there really was for basic items like clothes, soap, etc. Charlie began collecting donations and bringing them back on a regular basis. As she continued with this work, she began to realize that even once homeless veterans transitioned to permanent housing, they often didn’t have a single thing to their names, such as a pillow to sleep on, or a pan to cook food in. This broke Charlie’s heart and she felt called to help — and Help for Heroes was born.
Listen to Charlie’s interview on the True Stories of Good People podcast to hear the moving story.