CawiWalal: Famine & Drought Victims
Donation protected
Caawi Walaal: $50 Can Save a Family
#CaawiWalaal has raised 1000s & distributed already
Why this camapign & who are we raising the funds for?
Somali familes are facing severe famine and drought back home. Thousand of Somalis are on the brink of humanitarian catastrophe as severe draught is ravaging hundred of families, mostly women and children. The scale of the draught is unprecedented that even thousand of livestocks such as camels and goat are dying en mess. As you can see the pictures below, Caawi Walaal has delivered water, food, and medicine to thousands of families. Your donation goes 100% to those in need through our counless Caawi Walaal volunteers.
See pictures and video we have already distributed 1000s collected from Diaspora and locals.

The UNICEF, ICRC and other organizations have declared Somalia Famine zone. See This VIDEO.
HERE ARE Photos of our distribution is many cities.

Who is behind & Where are the organizers from?
A group of young Somalis, at home and abroad, have launched this campaign to help millions of Somali families suffering from the drought and the famine. Your $50 or whatever you can, can SAVE a Somali family.
This charity campagn is managed by Guled who lives in the United States. Some of #CaawiWalaal Campaign organizers include Sucdi Dahir, Abdinur Ahmed, Abdi Addow, Abdihakim Ainte, Badra Yusuf, Ahmed Ibrahim and many, many other young leaders. SEE our Twitter @CaawiWalaal or Facebook Page @CaawiWalaal. We have CaawiWalaal Ambassadors close to dozen country. Are you an Ambassador? If not, become an Ambassador!
4. How the funds will be spent?
The initial target of the campaign is to sponsor 500 families living in the drought-affected areas in Somalia, with possibility of increasing in the future if we meet the initial target. Every dime we have raised in this campaign has been transfered to the Caawi Walaal team on the ground. Some of our team on the ground are Abdinur Ahmed, Sucdi Dahir, and Ahmed Ibrahim who are currently in Mogadishu. As you can see, our councless volunteers have delivered water, food, and medicine to those in need in many regions in Somalia. We are appealing to all Somalis around the world to sponsor one family with minimum of $50 donation. #CaawiWalaal

Remember, Allah helps those who help others.
See Somali translation below:
Hal qoys oo soomaali ah ku badbaadi 50 $
Waxaa aad uga sii daraya abaaraha ku dhuftay Somaliya kuwaas oo saameyn adag ku yeshay dadka xoola dhaqatada iyo beeralayda ah eek u nool dhulka baadiyaha. waxaa aad u dhamaaday xoolihii dadku dhaqan jireen dhowr fasalna dadku wax ma beeran. waxaa lasoo sheegay in dadkii dhimasho bilaabeen meelaha qaar markii xoolihii ka dhamadeen, hadii aan ilaah raxmadiisa degdeg ugu iman xili kooban gudohood waxaa halis ah in macluul ay dilaacdo oo ay adkaato in wax laga qabto. walaalayaal aan u wada istaagno sidii aan u caawin laheyn dadkeena dhibtu ku habsatay oo qof walba ha isku dayo in uu caawiyo hal qoys oo dhiban ugu yaraan iyo wixii kabadan uu awoodo, gaarsii dhamaan, asxaabtada, qaraabada iyo qof kasta oo aad isleedahay wuu ka qeyb qaadan karnaa, waa waqtigii ilaah yiri qofkii hal naf nooleeyaa wuxuu la mid yahay qof umadda ilaah oo idil nooleeyay, walaalayaal inteena wax haysata kama caqli badnin kama, xoog badnin, ilahayna gaar nooma jecla ee wa imtixaan aan wada mareyno marka waa fursad iyo markii sadaqadu ugu qiimo badneed. aan ka qeyb qaadano ololaha #CaawiWalaal
#CaawiWalaal Campagn is Organized and manged by:
Abdinur Ahmed
Abdi Addow
Guled Ibrahim
Abdihakim Ainte
Badra Yusuf
Ahmed Omar
Please spread the word and use #CaawiWalaal

Why this camapign & who are we raising the funds for?
Somali familes are facing severe famine and drought back home. Thousand of Somalis are on the brink of humanitarian catastrophe as severe draught is ravaging hundred of families, mostly women and children. The scale of the draught is unprecedented that even thousand of livestocks such as camels and goat are dying en mess. As you can see the pictures below, Caawi Walaal has delivered water, food, and medicine to thousands of families. Your donation goes 100% to those in need through our counless Caawi Walaal volunteers.
See pictures and video we have already distributed 1000s collected from Diaspora and locals.

The UNICEF, ICRC and other organizations have declared Somalia Famine zone. See This VIDEO.
HERE ARE Photos of our distribution is many cities.

Who is behind & Where are the organizers from?
A group of young Somalis, at home and abroad, have launched this campaign to help millions of Somali families suffering from the drought and the famine. Your $50 or whatever you can, can SAVE a Somali family.
This charity campagn is managed by Guled who lives in the United States. Some of #CaawiWalaal Campaign organizers include Sucdi Dahir, Abdinur Ahmed, Abdi Addow, Abdihakim Ainte, Badra Yusuf, Ahmed Ibrahim and many, many other young leaders. SEE our Twitter @CaawiWalaal or Facebook Page @CaawiWalaal. We have CaawiWalaal Ambassadors close to dozen country. Are you an Ambassador? If not, become an Ambassador!
4. How the funds will be spent?
The initial target of the campaign is to sponsor 500 families living in the drought-affected areas in Somalia, with possibility of increasing in the future if we meet the initial target. Every dime we have raised in this campaign has been transfered to the Caawi Walaal team on the ground. Some of our team on the ground are Abdinur Ahmed, Sucdi Dahir, and Ahmed Ibrahim who are currently in Mogadishu. As you can see, our councless volunteers have delivered water, food, and medicine to those in need in many regions in Somalia. We are appealing to all Somalis around the world to sponsor one family with minimum of $50 donation. #CaawiWalaal

Remember, Allah helps those who help others.
See Somali translation below:
Hal qoys oo soomaali ah ku badbaadi 50 $
Waxaa aad uga sii daraya abaaraha ku dhuftay Somaliya kuwaas oo saameyn adag ku yeshay dadka xoola dhaqatada iyo beeralayda ah eek u nool dhulka baadiyaha. waxaa aad u dhamaaday xoolihii dadku dhaqan jireen dhowr fasalna dadku wax ma beeran. waxaa lasoo sheegay in dadkii dhimasho bilaabeen meelaha qaar markii xoolihii ka dhamadeen, hadii aan ilaah raxmadiisa degdeg ugu iman xili kooban gudohood waxaa halis ah in macluul ay dilaacdo oo ay adkaato in wax laga qabto. walaalayaal aan u wada istaagno sidii aan u caawin laheyn dadkeena dhibtu ku habsatay oo qof walba ha isku dayo in uu caawiyo hal qoys oo dhiban ugu yaraan iyo wixii kabadan uu awoodo, gaarsii dhamaan, asxaabtada, qaraabada iyo qof kasta oo aad isleedahay wuu ka qeyb qaadan karnaa, waa waqtigii ilaah yiri qofkii hal naf nooleeyaa wuxuu la mid yahay qof umadda ilaah oo idil nooleeyay, walaalayaal inteena wax haysata kama caqli badnin kama, xoog badnin, ilahayna gaar nooma jecla ee wa imtixaan aan wada mareyno marka waa fursad iyo markii sadaqadu ugu qiimo badneed. aan ka qeyb qaadano ololaha #CaawiWalaal
#CaawiWalaal Campagn is Organized and manged by:
Abdinur Ahmed
Abdi Addow
Guled Ibrahim
Abdihakim Ainte
Badra Yusuf
Ahmed Omar
Please spread the word and use #CaawiWalaal
Caawi Walaal
Minneapolis, MN