Campaign For Jason Wallwork
Hi there!
I'm Jason Wallwork and I'm running for Councillor to represent Otonabee Ward on Peterborough City Council. I want to change democracy in Peterborough but I need your help to do it.
For too long, City Council has made decisions against your interests and without your input.
Selling PDI, building a casino and extending the Parkway are all decisions that Council made without adequately consulting the good citizens of Peterborough.
Whatever you might think of the decisions themselves, shouldn't the majority decide?
Why do we continue to let 11 people in a room decide our future supposedly representing us when there is no better representative for ourselves than ourselves?
I propose another option to the system we have to provide well-thought direction to councillors.
We should have Ward Citizen Advisory Councils made up of randomly-invited citizens that meet, discuss the issues, come to a consensus and then direct their councillors to execute their decisions. You all have ideas and we will need many of them. The makeup of these citizen councils would rotate on a regular basis.
Peterborough is facing major growth over the next decades and issues we have to solve before we can handle that growth.
We need to reduce homelessness, make housing more affordable, bring in more and better-paying jobs, protect our environment, and deal with the opioid crisis.
In the last decade, Peterborough has gotten worse on all these counts. We can't keep conducting business as usual with thinking that by just electing the right ten councillors and mayor that we're going to change anything.
We need to force councillors to listen to you!
My wife and I live on $20,000 a year so this is truly a grassroots campaign. We simply can't afford to invest much in it. Therefore, we need every donation we can get and no amount is too small.
My main goal is to be able to produce about 5000 business cards/brochures (about $200-300) and 100 signs (about $500). The remainder will be spent on advertising.
Please give what you can and we'll change democracy in Peterborough for the better!
Thank you!
If you'd like to learn more, you can visit my website.
Note: You must be normally a resident of Ontario. You don't need to live in Peterborough or Otonabee Ward to make a donation. Donations must be made using your own funds.
The maximum individual total of contributions to any candidate for municipal office in Ontario is $1200 with a total maximum contribution of $5000 to all candidates running for the same council. Unfortunately, donations to municipal campaigns in Ontario are not tax-deductible.