Capi = Term Limits - SENATE
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The Founding Fathers wanted a citizen legislature, not professional politicians. The counties surrounding Washington D.C. have become the richest counties in the Nation because the money flowing into D.C. from trade associations and other special interest groups is enormous! That money is spent freely to influence Trillions being spent from D.C.
After working for a number of years in Congress, I had the chance to springboard into lucrative lobbyist positions as many congressional staffers do because of their connections, but it didn't interest me. Only the difference I can make matters to me, not making more than the next guy. After living in a third world country on my mission, I decided to get my masters studying government administration because what ever our government was doing right to give us a standard of living so much greater than what I witnessed in South America, that's where I wanted to make a difference by trying to improve it.
But after dealing with the unelected federal bureaucracy because one of my assignments was to handle Utah problems that needed attention in D.C., I soon learned that President Reagan was right, "government doesn't solve our problems, GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM." When I left "the swamp" I didn't want to return, unless I could make a difference in a limited period of time.
Term Limits will make a big difference. We now have a narrow window of opportunity that may close, if we do not act immediately. As Congress will not call for a Constitution to limit itself, the wisdom in our Constitution provides another way...through a Constitutional Convention initiated by the States according to Article 5 of said Constitution of the United States. Thanks, in large part, to Barrach Obama and the liberal Socialist "Progressives" whom we should more accurately label Regressives, according to the history of Socialism where the 'proof is in the pudding' from the Bolsheviks to Venezuela.
Article 5 requires 34 states to call for a Constitutional Convention. We have 34 Republican Governors and Republican controlled legislatures who can agree to perimeters and limit this Convention to a Term Limits Amendment, a Balance the Budget Amendment, and an Amendment to require Congress to abide by all laws it creates, including health care laws. Especially now after what Americans have witnessed in D.C. in recent years, public sentiment is high with support for Term Limits, and maybe these other two mentioned as well. BUT THIS CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER; WE MUST ACT NOW! PLEASE HELP ME TAKE ON A GOLIATH...MAYBE TWO (Hatch and Romney), WHO ARE BOTH MILLIONAIRES WITH BIG NAME I.D.s. I know it will take a miracle; I've experienced many. I believe in miracles! DO YOU?
I am Capi Titus, a small businessmen who lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. I had to defend my business 4 times in federal courts over the past several years from government overreach. I have studied government. During my career, I have worked in every level of government...local, state, and federal. including the U.S. Senate. I have also worked in every level of education...elementary, secondary, and higher education, including BYU managing 5 operations with 80 employees, and the U of U, as the Director of Development and Community Relations for the College of Health. I have been the Business Director of a private foundation, AIS (American Indian Services), the Corporate Marketing Director of a small business, ATC (Advanced Technical Center), the Coordinator of Education Marketing and Director of Government Marketing for a major corporation in Utah years ago, Novell. Now I own three businesses and am a partner and Vice President of a fourth new business, ISM, (the Independent Stock Market), which will launch a reality show like Shark Tank in 2018 that will raise funds for small businesses.
If you have ever been knocked out of the saddle, told you have cancer or a major disease, and then had to scratch and claw your way back into the saddle, I can relate!
In short, I am you and you are me. I will not misuse your donations. I will comply with the FEC (Federal Election Commission) laws and regulations. Together we will help create a miracle by the grace of God.
Any dollar amount you can afford to help me drive this message of Term Limits home will make this possible, especially if you ask your friends and family to pitch in what little they can. I BELIEVE I CAN AND WILL WIN, WITH YOUR HELP! CAPI = TERM LIMITS for U.S. Senate
After working for a number of years in Congress, I had the chance to springboard into lucrative lobbyist positions as many congressional staffers do because of their connections, but it didn't interest me. Only the difference I can make matters to me, not making more than the next guy. After living in a third world country on my mission, I decided to get my masters studying government administration because what ever our government was doing right to give us a standard of living so much greater than what I witnessed in South America, that's where I wanted to make a difference by trying to improve it.
But after dealing with the unelected federal bureaucracy because one of my assignments was to handle Utah problems that needed attention in D.C., I soon learned that President Reagan was right, "government doesn't solve our problems, GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM." When I left "the swamp" I didn't want to return, unless I could make a difference in a limited period of time.
Term Limits will make a big difference. We now have a narrow window of opportunity that may close, if we do not act immediately. As Congress will not call for a Constitution to limit itself, the wisdom in our Constitution provides another way...through a Constitutional Convention initiated by the States according to Article 5 of said Constitution of the United States. Thanks, in large part, to Barrach Obama and the liberal Socialist "Progressives" whom we should more accurately label Regressives, according to the history of Socialism where the 'proof is in the pudding' from the Bolsheviks to Venezuela.
Article 5 requires 34 states to call for a Constitutional Convention. We have 34 Republican Governors and Republican controlled legislatures who can agree to perimeters and limit this Convention to a Term Limits Amendment, a Balance the Budget Amendment, and an Amendment to require Congress to abide by all laws it creates, including health care laws. Especially now after what Americans have witnessed in D.C. in recent years, public sentiment is high with support for Term Limits, and maybe these other two mentioned as well. BUT THIS CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER; WE MUST ACT NOW! PLEASE HELP ME TAKE ON A GOLIATH...MAYBE TWO (Hatch and Romney), WHO ARE BOTH MILLIONAIRES WITH BIG NAME I.D.s. I know it will take a miracle; I've experienced many. I believe in miracles! DO YOU?
I am Capi Titus, a small businessmen who lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. I had to defend my business 4 times in federal courts over the past several years from government overreach. I have studied government. During my career, I have worked in every level of government...local, state, and federal. including the U.S. Senate. I have also worked in every level of education...elementary, secondary, and higher education, including BYU managing 5 operations with 80 employees, and the U of U, as the Director of Development and Community Relations for the College of Health. I have been the Business Director of a private foundation, AIS (American Indian Services), the Corporate Marketing Director of a small business, ATC (Advanced Technical Center), the Coordinator of Education Marketing and Director of Government Marketing for a major corporation in Utah years ago, Novell. Now I own three businesses and am a partner and Vice President of a fourth new business, ISM, (the Independent Stock Market), which will launch a reality show like Shark Tank in 2018 that will raise funds for small businesses.
If you have ever been knocked out of the saddle, told you have cancer or a major disease, and then had to scratch and claw your way back into the saddle, I can relate!
In short, I am you and you are me. I will not misuse your donations. I will comply with the FEC (Federal Election Commission) laws and regulations. Together we will help create a miracle by the grace of God.
Any dollar amount you can afford to help me drive this message of Term Limits home will make this possible, especially if you ask your friends and family to pitch in what little they can. I BELIEVE I CAN AND WILL WIN, WITH YOUR HELP! CAPI = TERM LIMITS for U.S. Senate
Les Titus
Salt Lake City, UT