Many of you have probably heard or have been informed already (especially our JFK family) that our dear friend 777 Captain David Harris was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer a few months ago. Right now he is going through Chemotherapy and staying tough and strong like we all know he is! I know Dave is a very special friend to many of us and has been one of the best pilots to have worked with over the years. He is an amazing man, friend, colleague and most important... Father to his 4 children. Everything he has done/does is to provide the best lives for them possible and right now he is battling for his own life. I am praying and hoping to raise enough money that will help him and his family with any large expenses, and to help provide some sort of relief while he is on long term disability. Any help would be greatly appreciated and embraced during this time and I hope will ease any extra stress that him or his family has to endure. Thank you and God Bless xoxoxo