Carl Rescue Mission
Keep up-to-date on Carl's progress over on his Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/kitschycarl/
(Carl's Rescue Story after this intro)
I have no idea how much we are going to need for medical & supply expenses.
Per the request of hundreds of you online, I have set up a GoFundMe & "Carl's Amazon Wish List" as we need assistance with (links follow):
-getting his health up to par. This may mean fluids, shots, medication, as well as investigating the possible eye infection (hoping he doesn't lose sight in it)
-buying him basic supplies & a few frivilous ones (toys, etc)
-getting him neutered & microchipped
***GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/carl-rescue-mission
***Amazon Wish List: http://a.co/22zIxdG (email me for my mailing address if needed :) )
***someone pointed out that they could donate through the "send money: friends and family" option on PayPal to make sure all of the money is for Carl without fees. If you prefer this option, my PayPal email is: [email redacted]
---------(Carl's Story/original Facebook post)
You see, Carl is a loveable, goofy, less than a year old, pit bull terrier. He is sweeter than sin, and I'd snatch him up in a heartbeat if I'm given the opportunity. So here's the rant:
Carl's owner leaves him alone for long periods of time (I'm talking days here). So much so that my landlord has spoken with him about it and given me a "Carl-key" for extreme cases.
One such case has been an ongoing issue since Thursday. Neighbor dropped off Carl at some point Thursday, and he did not come back until LATE Saturday night.
By the time he came home, I had already been taking care of Carl for quite some time, as I know several things about how Carl is kept alone at home:
-in a small kennel with no cushion
-mug of food
-mug of water
-no potty breaks
I had noticed neighbor had not come home all of Friday into Saturday, as Carl had been crying on and off the entire time. I used my "Carl-key" Saturday morning to let him outside, feed, walk, and play with him. I contacted neighbor several times before doing so with no response. I also informed my landlord.
Come to find out, neighbor owes landlord over $2000 and has disappeared, not responding to her or her husband at all. He has to be present in order to receive his 5-day eviction notice.
Once I realized neighbor was home, I notified my landlord per her request, so that she could "serve him." He told her his brother would be here to pick Carl up Sunday at some point.
This never happened.
I took care of Carl all of Sunday as well. This included buying more food for him (he was entirely out), cleaning and lining his kennel with an old comforter, giving him the first toy he's ever owned, as well as taking him for a walk, cleaning the yard, etc.
I receive no thanks for this job from neighbor, but do receive it from landlord and other neighbors. Other neighbors and I have decided that if Carl is left abandoned, we will rally together to take care of him.
You may notice that his one eye does not open all the way. It has an infection from when he was still a tiny puppy with mange. Neighbor has done nothing about this. I mean he barely feeds the dog, why pay for medical care? He also has never fixed him, and as far as I know, has never had shots.
All I want is for this loving baby to have a good home. If we call animal services, they will force him to go "through the system" before allowing us to adopt him for a hefty fee, which will cover neutering and shots (as needed). However, this also runs the risk of us not being able to afford him, and leaving his fate to a kill shelter with a bad rep for pits.
If we do not call him in, we rely on shitty neighbor to do the responsible thing, and give him to us, since he clearly cannot take care of him himself.
I have sent a plea to neighbor; we are supposedly meeting tonight (8/14). My stomach has been in knots all weekend worrying about the fate of this precious animal. I cried all last night, and barely slept. When I did sleep it was terrible nightmares of what happens in kill shelters when a dog's time has "expired."
Neighbor has to be out of the apartment (8/18) by end of day Friday, Carl included. If Carl is abandoned, and still there Saturday, he will be better taken care of by a group of people who love and adore him.
I never thought I'd see the day where I was begging the universe to allow someone to abandon their animal. Today is that day. Or better yet, please allow him to gift this dog to me & our building.
Send good vibes for whatever outcome you think will be best for Carl. Whether that's helping me or not. I really just care about the dog.