Carol Steier Hospital Fund
Friends and family. I am Dave Steier. My SASS "Cowboy name" is "Rolan Kraps". Early this morning, my wife and partner of over 30 years passed away due to Non-small cell Lung Cancer. As a guy, I always figured that I'D be the one to pass first. She would have been set if that happened. Now, while I'm not shopping for dishwasher boxes and scoping out freeway underpasses, I am not too proud to say that I could use a little help with expenses. These funds will be used to pay down hospital bills and hopefully pay off some other bills that will permit me to better live on one income.
Here is the Whole Story:
In December 2018, my wife, Carol Dunagan Steier was admitted to the Hospital with "chest pains". By the end of the day she was admitted and had a Quadruple Bypass. She came through that splendidly. 6 weeks later she was back at work. No trace of anything showed up on the X-Rays of her chest.
In February, she developed a persistent cough. It got so bad, she broke a rib! They suspected a sinus infection. By March, she started having "seizures on the left side of her body. She thought that they were just her leg trying to recover from where they harvested the veins for the bypass. On March 31, she had a seizure while reaching for a light, fell and broke her humerus. The ER doctor was suspicious and told her to get screened for cancer. We decided to focus on the fracture first, and a few days later we were getting ready to go to the Orthopedist for a check up on the arm when she seized so violently that we had to call an ambulance. They did multiple CT and MRI's and found 3 tumors in her brain, 3 in her lungs, one on each Kidney, spleen, Rib (the one that broke), in her broken humerus, and her adrenal gland. While in the hospital she started getting radiation for the brain tumors. Shortly after being release she developed excruciating pain in her head. Another Ambulance trip and CT showed a brand new, 1 CM tumor that had grown in the last 2 weeks! It was also bleeding and building up pressure between her cerebellum and her spinal column. This was May 7th, and the doctors said that without surgery she would have "hours to days" to live. We opted for the Brain Surgery. She recovered, but was in constant pain. On May 20 the wound from the brain surgery became infected and they had to open it back up to "flush it out" and give her a better chance to heal. She was so miserable and worn out after that surgery that she asked to be transferred to Hospice. We transferred her on May 21.
Early on the morning of May 22, at about 3:30 AM, Carol passed away. While I'll receive some insurance money from her work and mine, I was woefully under-insured. Please don't make that mistake. Get all the Life Insurance and Long Term disability insurance you can afford.