Welcome To Cartoonopolis!
(If you donate, please provide your email/address so we can send your rewards)
Cartoonopolis is the story (inspired by real life events) of Jack Bray, a young man growing up with Autism and learning disabilities. We see Jack, along with his mum, his dad and his best friend (his annoying brother, Lewis), trying to cope with the transition to adulthood and looking to find his own voice and feel comfortable in his own skin.
Support and join Cartoonopolis to reach thousands of people affected by Autism and to hear Jack’s story with his honest coming of age tale.
After a sell-out run at the Liverpool Playhouse Studio (2015) you asked if Cartoonopolis could tour. Well, we listened and now we want to bring the show to a theatre near you!
We are all affected by Autism in some way. Follow Jack and his family as we battle disability ignorance and try to defeat the evil Mayor Sharp from killing all creativity! We want to educate communities about Autism in a positive, hilariously honest way, with more cartoons, superheroes and supervillains than you could ever imagine!
Growing up is scary and doesn’t always turn out the way we expect it to, but whatever happens, it’s important to feel loved and supported. Especially when you have a whole world of cartoons counting on you!
We made Cartoonopolis because we really wanted to address the issues around transitioning into adulthood with autism. We also wanted to show what it's like for families who go through this process and help them to feel comfortable about this.
Growing up can be frightening - we have all felt like that at some point. We want to give answers and solutions to people, carers and parents alike to give them hope and a sense of community. Although transition is difficult, it can be done.
We will explore this through our play, Cartoonopolis plus Question and Answer sessions.
Our national tour is booked (March-June 2017). We have had some funding but there are holes in the budget. Through your support we would like you to help us fill them.
We want to take Jack’s story as far and as wide as possible to help as many people as possible. We’re not just after your money, we want to create a community with YOU!
“Time to defeat Mayor Sharp once and for all!”
To start a conversation about Autism and transitioning, we need everyone around the table. We’ve created this play for people with autism, carers, friends, parents and the general public.
With your support we will deliver:
- A national tour of the production reaching thousands of audience members.
- Provide a community of people in each audience who then have friends and people they can talk to.
- Provide discounted tickets for young people and carers.
- Post-performance question and answer sessions.
- Open dialogues between young people with autism, their peers and adults to enable honest discussions about transition.
What will your money be going to?
A rented van to get our gear to all the locations
Cartoonopolis is the story (inspired by real life events) of Jack Bray, a young man growing up with Autism and learning disabilities. We see Jack, his mum, dad and his best friend (his annoying brother, Lewis) trying to cope with the transition to adulthood and looking to find his own voice so he can feel comfortable in his own skin.
“C’mon bro, share this… help your brother out!”
Sharing our campaign is MUCH easier! Please help to get the word out by sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or by email. If we exceed our target we can tour to more venues, which would be incredible!
Twitter: @lewisbray
Facebook: /lewisbray
Hashtag: #cartoonopolis
Image credits: Main
Performance image by Brian Roberts
Risks and challenges
There'll be no "Risky Business" 'round here!
This is our first national tour, so we've got some supportive friends involved: Edge Hill Arts Centre, Nottingham Playhouse,Dund
ee Repertory Theatre, Bluecoat Liverpool Arts Centre, St Helens Cultural Hubs, Oldham Coliseum, Manchester Royal Excange.
We've had some funding from Arts Council England and Awesome Liverpool but we need a third funder: YOU! If we don’t reach our target, we will have to cut back the number of venues we can go to.
We want this tour to reach as many people as physically and financially possible and we will make every penny count. We want every audience member to have a valuable, high-quality experience.
A True Story of 2 Brothers, 1 Family, Goodies, Baddies, and Autism.
Cartoonopolis: The Team
Directed by:
Matt Rutter (@ BigWowTheate)
Chris Tomlinson (@C_Tomlison)
Performed by:
Lewis Bray
Music and Sound by:
Simon James and Pete Franks
Orginal Lighting by:
Kay Haynes
Producer/Tour booker:
Adrian Turrell-Watts (@gaydrian)