Cason's search for sight
Donation protected
Cason was diagnosed at 3 months old with Bi Lateral Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. The optic nerves never fully developed. This condition has left him legally blind. He can see out of a pin hole, out of the far right corner of his right eye and needs things about 6 inches away to see them with clarity. He also has very autistic tendencies, although does not officially have an ASD diagnosis. Cason just turned 7 years old today! In his short 7 years, Cason has shown an unbelievable amount of strength and determination through every obstacle he has been presented. He has endured endless testings, doctor’s appointments, hospital stays and daily challenges most people take for granted. Through all of this, he never loses his humor or his contagious smile. He loves to make others laugh and enjoys being silly. Cason has never been one to feel sorry for himself, instead he is quick to offer up positive things about himself. He truly is an amazing little boy and I am so blessed to be his mama. When we learned of his diagnosis, we knew we could either let it define us or we could learn to defy it. Our family has always made it a priority to give Cason the most "normal" life possible. We have always done whatever we could to provide him with the most opportunities possible. When we learned of E Sight Eyewear, we knew we had to give him the chance to see if it could help him. We made the long drive to Canada earlier this week and were lucky enough to have the chance to try the glasses out. Cason was able to see so much farther then I had ever imagined. He wanted to take them home with him right then! Once we knew they worked for him, our hearts were on fire! The possibilities could be endless. We look forward to things like, taking him to the zoo and him actually SEEING the animals, or being able to read the music during his piano lessons. We can’t wait to see what type of an impact it could have for him at school and every other area of his life for that matter.
These glasses are very expensive and we cannot do it on our own. We appreciate any support and know not everyone can donate financially but whether its prayers or funds, we are grateful for your support on Cason's search for sight.
These glasses are very expensive and we cannot do it on our own. We appreciate any support and know not everyone can donate financially but whether its prayers or funds, we are grateful for your support on Cason's search for sight.
Melissa Watson
McMinnville, OR