CATC badger saving fuel fund
The unscientific and cruel badger cull is set to roll out to Cheshire this year.
We want to help protect them as much as possible but need your kind help to do so. We will need to raise much more than this target but if we can at least hit that, it'd be a massively helpful start!
Why do we need your donations?
Having enough funds for fuel is so important to keep badger protectors mobile during badger culls and going through a lot of fuel is easily done in this situation.
Other things we will need help with obtaining and desperately need are - body cams or hand held camcorders so people can keep safe, first aid kits, maps, torches, batteries and if at all possible, night vision or thermal imaging equipment.
Facebook - www.facebook.com/cheshireagainstthecull
Twitter - @cheshireATC
Email - [email redacted]
Thank you in advance! - Cheshire
Against The Cull.