Crystal Mersh is fundraising
Avalon Empower Central WV & Build a Brighter Future
The people of central WV are working hard to improve their lives every day. We know that our future generations' abilities to raise their families in the place we call home is completely dependent on our success in improving the economic conditions today that will create an environment to enable growth and progress. The 1982 Foundation has been able to secure private (non tax payer money) funding to build Avalon in Grantsville WV: a $10 million dollar multi-use facility that will be self-sustaining and will provide 50 jobs as well as many more opportunities for entrepreneurs, and prospective employees who need child care services. So literally hundreds of jobs can be made available via this project.
We have applied for 3 years now for federal funding, and none has come. We were counting on $2 million of start-up funds from the Appalachian Regional Commission but we were rejected. The primary reason given was that the project was too ambitious. Considering the $10 million private investment we felt confident and were encouraged that ARC funding would come. Typically for a region such as ours, a 20% match is required. We had a 500% match and still did not get it.
We firmly believe that while the US in general has forgotten WV, many from WV have forgotten our area in central WV commonly referred to as the doughnut hole. I fear that in their minds we are the "throw aways".
A new day is dawning. The "throw aways" have decided to take matters into their own hands. We will do what we need to start and scale this project. We are not afraid of hard work. We are not short on intelligence. And we will do what we must do to secure a strong future for our children.
We know that many of you wish to help as well. And we welcome that help. You will see that there are many ways that you can provide assistance. A means of direct contributions and repeating monthly contribution has been requested and we are making this available via Paypal.
We do suggest that you click on the "friends and family" button to avoid paying unnecessary fees.
We thank you in advance for your love and support. We do need all the help we can get to make this a reality. Feel free to also pass this along to your friends and business colleagues who love you and would like to support the projects that are important to you.
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22 supporters