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Tech 25

Our mission is to provide youth and adults with career opportunities in the event production and broadcast industry through classe...Learn more

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About Tech 25

Our mission is to provide youth and adults with career opportunities in the event production and broadcast industry through classes, workshops, and hands-on mentoring. Our work promotes diversity in the entertainment and event technology industry through providing entry into jobs that pay a living wage and lead to fulfilling careers. Goal Our goal is to provide youth and adults in the Pittsburgh Region with educational training and certification programs. Tech 25 is a state-of-the-art event training center providing technical support and academic training for many cultural institutions and performing arts centers in Western PA. Vision Our vision is to provide education and vocational opportunities that lead to living-wage careers in the entertainment technology field.

112 Saint Joseph StPittsburgh, PA 15210-2227


Equal opportunity in education, Special needs education, STEM education, Multicultural education, Vocational education



Tax ID


Tech 25 is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 84-2121534. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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