UPDATE: On September 20th across the world youth will be school striking for climate justice, and asking adults to join us. YVA is taking the lead in organizing the next climate strike in San francisco on September 20th. We have decided to use this already created GFM to fundraise for resources for the climate strike.
We are striking to demand a safe and just planet; justice and asylum for all displaced by climate change; policy based on science; that people, not corporations, influence politics. We demand equal rights for all; we demand that humans protect the rights of nature; we demand a just transition. You can read more about YVA’ plans at http://youthvsapocalypse.org/september-week-of-action/
Join us and donate to make our efforts go further! We will be using most of our funds for transportation, which will allow as many youth as possible to get to the strike who might otherwise not have a ride. The rest we will be using for expenses such as: food for anyone participating in the strike who might need to eat, meeting space rentals and art supplies. The excess will be used for YVA community events and youth training. Us youth need to be listened to because for over 30 years elected officials and those in power have known of the effects of climate change, but have not acted, which has left us with the responsibility to fix the planet we are inheriting and change the way we live to a just world.
Every year is the among the hottest year recorded in our planet, and everyone is being affected by climate change one way or another. Especially marginalized communities such as low income and communities of color. Wildfires are destroying people’s homes, adding more to the massive number of homelesness, the education of youth are being drastically affected, others are breathing toxic smoke that comes from houses, cars, trees, animals and people that were burned by the fire. Wildfires are taking lives, that we won’t get back. Farmer’s lands are drying up making it difficult for crops to grow. In other parts of the world women who commonly take care of the household work have to walk miles to get water because their nearby water source is dried up. Fossil fuel companies are already contributing the most to climate change and still harming Indigenous communities and communities of color. A huge number of migrants were displaced by droughts and other climate effects and are not being treated as human. These are some of the reasons why we will not stop until change is made, because this is not the world we want to inherit.
Please contribute today and help YVA bring every young person who wants to stand up for climate justice to the streets of San Francisco this September. The time for action has come and we will not stop until change is made! Now is the time we need help from our supporters.
We believe youth have the ability and right to be leaders in the fight for climate justice, and we know that means fighting for racial and economic justice because our current climate crisis is rooted in racism, white supremacy, and economic exploitation. We focus on uplifting voices of color and voices of people from frontline communities because we recognize the systemic silencing of those voices and want to empower those communities to take action on climate justice issues. We recognize that the fight for climate justice cannot be won without these voices.
Though Youth vs. Apocalypse has been doing climate justice work for over 2 years we recently reached a national platform through a viral video of our youth asking Senator Dianne Feinstein to sign onto the Green New Deal. YVA jumped on the opportunity to get their message out, and organized press conferences, gave interviews, wrote Op-Eds, developed a website, and worked around the clock to get our message out. After pressure from YVA and many others, we got Feinstein to withdraw her attempt to pass a weakened version of the Green New Deal.
We did not stop. We continued to collaborate with other young climate justice activists and organized the SF Youth Climate Strike where over 2000 youth and allies rallied together on March 15th, 2019, as a part of a global day of youth action for climate justice.
Now we need your support. We want to make the next climate strike even bigger and bolder.If you are able, we would love for you to contribute any amount to our fundraising to be able to reach our goal of $20,000 to make our efforts go even further!
You can learn more about YVA at our website YouthVsApocalypse.org
Or find more about the group that supports us, 350 Bay Area at 350BayArea.org.
Watch the documentary about YVA created by BRAVE NEW FILMS here: