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Adversity To Prosperity

The mission of Adversity to Prosperity is to uplift communities through youth athletic programs, service and education. We are ded...En savoir plus

Logo de l'association Adversity To Prosperity

À propos de l'association Adversity To Prosperity

The mission of Adversity to Prosperity is to uplift communities through youth athletic programs, service and education. We are dedicated to helping inner city residents financially with their educational needs by granting scholarships and/or supplying funding for school-related expenses such as books and supplies. We are committed provide fiscal sponsorship to struggling athletic programs in the state of Connecticut in an effort to uplift & give back to our struggling communities.

20 Hawthorne Lanenew milford, CT 06776


Urban development






Urban, Community

Adversity To Prosperity est un organisme caritatif public de type 501(c)(3), EIN : 46-3251386. Les dons sont déductibles des impôts. Le contenu sélectionné est fourni par GuideStar.

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