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AIDSNET, d/b/a MidEast Pennsylvania Care and Advocacy Network is committed to building a healthier community by facilitating acces...Learn more

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About Aidsnet

AIDSNET, d/b/a MidEast Pennsylvania Care and Advocacy Network is committed to building a healthier community by facilitating access to comprehensive health and wellness services for people living with HIV with a focus on low-income populations. We are a funding and oversight agency providing funding to HIV case management agencies to cover medical case management, housing, oral health care, emergency financial assistance, medical transportation, outpatient medical care, legal services, health education, and risk reduction. The areas we serve are the Pennsylvania counties of Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton, and Schuylkill.

31 South Commerce Way, Suite 400Bethlehem, PA 18017-8992





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Aidsnet is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 23-2755276. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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