Joe Bazeghi is fundraising
♂️ Help Keep Broga Stretch Club Alive ♂️
Our 80 year old selves are already thanking us…
Broga Stretch Club is not new age spirituality, it’s not a path toward ‘woke bod’ or manifesting or whatever (maybe MANifesting but I digress…)
BSC is a safe nontoxic space for midlife-ish masculine-esque folk to commune and stretch it out so our aging bodies
♂️ Don’t fall down
♂️ Remain vital
♂️ Complain less
Alberta Abbey has graciously hosted our group for over a year now. In order to keep this beautiful thing going, I am asking your financial support. Please contribute what you can. Donations are tax deductible!
Help us keep Broga Stretch Club going!
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13 supporters