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Altruisa Inc

At Altruisa, we believe finding ways to help the issues you care about should be as easy as finding a place for dinner. Our missio...Learn more

Altruisa Inc logo

About Altruisa Inc

At Altruisa, we believe finding ways to help the issues you care about should be as easy as finding a place for dinner. Our mission is to design platforms that will help individuals learn, find, and connect with nonprofits tackling the issues they care most about.

625 Broad StreetNewark, NJ 07102


Information and communications, Conflict resolution and peacebuilding, International development, Philanthropy, Community and economic development, Goodwill promotion



Verified on GoFundMe


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Philanthropy / Charity / Voluntarism Promotion (General)

Altruisa Inc is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 86-3425533. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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