Tom Rieger is fundraising
Support Tom Rieger's Polar Plunge for Cancer
My name is Tom Rieger and now lived in Minnesota for 22 winters. A topic that is near and dear to my heart is CANCER - and not because I want it to be. It has caused so much pain to so many people in my life - prostate, breast, multiple myeloma, lung and so many more. Oncology is a business - shots that cost $30,000 per shot. Monthly pill regiments that are $10,000 a month. And the tests - all the tests!!! Blood tests after blood tests, bone marrow biopsys, PET scans, bone density scans. "Death by a thousand cuts" in expense. I have an objective - do what I can to put cancer out of business (sorry all you pharmaceutical companies and cancer centers - but $%^&*() off - I am after you). During this polar plunge I will sacrifice my warmth and look to swarth having a stroke to raise money with your help. Please donate - and if you donate $200-or-more I will send you an autographed picture of the moment. What better way to enjoy every day than to see me embarrass myself to end cancer. This is happening QUICKLY on January 25 at noon and if you happen to want to attend to watch live - the weather forecast is a balmy 22F/-5C. PLEASE CONSIDER YOUR PART IN THIS BATTLE!!!
More about the plunge:
Where 100% of the money will go:
- A
- T
- D
17 supporters