North Bergen Township created a Trap Neuter Return (TNR) Program that kicked off on 9/9/22. Since then 220 cats were fixed. Being the first of the year of this pilot program, the TNR budget is limited. Township's grant ended in March and will restart in July. This break cannot stop us! Thanks to your donations so far, we have started dipping into this fundraiser since then. Our goal is to spay/neuter at least 80 more cats until July. To TNR all the ferals in North Bergen we must keep going. There are many more cats to TNR, and they are mating as you read this! Please help us continue our mission. It costs an average of $120 to TNR one cat. To TNR 80 cats we need to reach our $10,000 goal. Whatever you can donate, give a hand to one cat today! Hopefully, other towns will follow our North Bergen mission. Have a blessed day!
From the program coordinator:
The time is "NOW," to get involved! We all need to show our support and make a difference in the overpopulation of feral cats. Most of us have been waiting a long time for this very moment, to have support from North Bergen, which has lifted the ban on feeding feral cats and has its first grant ready to help make a difference!!
We hit our end-of-year goal of 100 with a +2! We are looking for volunteers to trap, and transport and we hope to hear from all of you on locations that need to be worked on. Send inquiries to [email redacted]
Plans are being created to do good for the volunteers willing to make a difference so I’m going to kick this off with a case of cat food for each of the volunteers willing to help! There will be lots of struggles along the way, we need help coordinating these missions. If you can’t trap or transport, there is something for everyone to do to make the North Bergen TNR mission a success.
At this time, the North Bergen grant is solely being used for TNR in North Bergen. All the feral cats receive Revolution Flea medicine with surgery. Revolution also helps ear mites and certain parasites. An injured un-neutered cat requires extra funding at the time of surgery. Taking the money from this particular grant is not the way to handle the problem. There is extra money accumulating from each spay but it is not enough for us to use for any of the above mentioned complications. Please donate what ever you can, every dollar counts! If you cannot donate at this time. Please share!