Organized by Aqua Africa Foundation Non Profit Co
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Since 2020, Aqua4all /Aqua Africa Non-Profit Foundation has supported Greece's SOS CHILDREN'S VILLAGES, providing clean, fresh tap water in two of the four villages.
Almost every day, a newspaper with wide circulation in Greece reveals that the water is dangerous in many areas mainly because of pesticides and industrial waste. Added to this is the salty water in areas near the sea. The solution was the bottled ones, but they couldn't use them for cooking and washing the vegetables. With our support, they have fresh, clean running water, significant savings, and the freedom to use as much water as they need. Children from one year old are accommodated in the villages; clean water is the basis for their health.
"Alerts for "poisoned" water in 15 areas of Greece."
"The invisible danger has a name: nitrate pollution, and it comes from the excessive use of fertilizers with a high content of nitrate ions."
"Dangerous water in 27 regions of Greece Nitrates contained in high quantities in drinking water also hide a significant threat to public health."
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9 supporters