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Arizona Recreation Center for the Handicapped (ARCH) logo

Arizona Recreation Center for the Handicapped (ARCH)

The Mission of ARCH is to enhance and maintain the quality of life of individuals with special needs by providing therapeutic recr...Learn more

Arizona Recreation Center for the Handicapped (ARCH) logo

About Arizona Recreation Center for the Handicapped (ARCH)

The Mission of ARCH is to enhance and maintain the quality of life of individuals with special needs by providing therapeutic recreation services, educational and wellness programs, socialization opportunities and teaching basic living skills.

1550 W. Colter St.Phoenix, AZ 85015


Community recreation, Independent living for people with disabilities



Tax ID


NTEE code

Developmentally Disabled Services/Centers

Arizona Recreation Center for the Handicapped (ARCH) is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 86-0310253. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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