UPDATE: AHS Track has been closed indefinitely by the District for safety!
Certified Charity. 100% Tax Deductible + Receipt.
Funds managed by Ashland Schools Foundation.

"On this track, an athlete learns the value of hard work and determination, developing strong character through positive life lessons." My father, Robert W. Julian, said that about the Ashland High School track which is named after him. To anyone that has ever known Coach Julian, his heart and soul belongs to his family and the thousands of young men and women who have run, jumped and thrown for Grizzly Track & Field. My father’s words could have never been more true for me. On the AHS track, I learned to be tough, persistent, hopeful, and most importantly that no challenge is too big. Those lessons have been the driving force throughout my life.
Unfortunately, the Robert W. Julian Track has deteriorated to the point where it has become unusable for today’s Grizzly track & field athletes. The time has come for all of us to pull together and rebuild the track from the ground up in such a way that honors my dad and honors the legacy and future of AHS Track & Field. Please consider making a tax deductible donation/investment. Thank you.
– Pete Julian
AHS Alum
Nike Oregon Project Coach
Closure Update: On May 17, the District insurance company determined that the track should be closed indefinitely for public safety. At best, it will be several years before the school has the funds to work on this. Let's avoid a multi-year closure and join together to restore the track!

Project SummaryOur goal is raise a grand total of $500K to resurface the track, add drainage, fix the foundation and repair surrounding retaining walls. The restoration will allow Ashland High School to support the full training needs of its athletes and host track meets once again. The facility is intended to thrive for decades and allow for future add-on building options like stands for spectators. The School District has said that they are unable to provide financial support at this time. We've raised $290k privately so far - over half way there! We've set a goal of $25k via GoFundMe and are pursuing the remainder through other channels. Our deadline is the end of August, so that we can begin demolition in the summer and install the new track in the fall, in time for the Spring 2018 AHS Track and Field season. All donations are greatly appreciated!
We accept checks! Please make out to: Ashland Schools Foundation
100 Walker Ave
Ashland OR 97520
(indicate "Ashland Track" on check)
All contributions will be acknowledged on a donor board located near the field ( inspired by the one at Hayward Field, Eugene ) under the following donor categories.
•10,000 Meter Club ($50,000+)
• 5,000 Meter Club ($25,000 - $49,999)
• 1,500 Meter Club ($10,000 - $24,999)
• 400 Meter Club ($5,000 - $9,999)
• 100 Meter Club ($1,000 - $4,999)
• Pacer's Club ($500 - $999)
• Starter's Club (up to $499)

There is also an opportunity for
corporate sponsorship with signage. Please contact:
Jim Williams
[email redacted]
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View our fundraising brochure!
AHS Restore Track Fundraising Brochure
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