Help Ensure Safety for Floridians with Autism
- Water safety/swim programs
- Police requirement to be trained in autism
- Early screening required by pediatricians
- Cameras in classrooms
- Autism endorsements for all autism teachers
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The mission of the Autism Society of Florida (ASF) is to assure full participation and self-determination in every aspect of life ...Learn more
Fundraisers created by supporters like you
The mission of the Autism Society of Florida (ASF) is to assure full participation and self-determination in every aspect of life for each individual on the spectrum. ASF Initiatives Include: Police and First Responder Trainings; Water Safety Instructor Training; Legislative Advocacy Statewide Education & Support for Self-Advocates, Parents, & Providers; Individualized Family Support; and Professional Conferences The Autism Society of Florida is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Together we can help individuals with autism build meaningful lives and contribute to our communities through their unique gifts!
Health, Disabled persons' rights, Education, Swimming, Autism
Alliance/Advocacy Organizations
Autism Society of Florida, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 59-2910367. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.