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Autism Society of Florida, Inc. logo

Autism Society of Florida, Inc.

The mission of the Autism Society of Florida (ASF) is to assure full participation and self-determination in every aspect of life ...Learn more

Autism Society of Florida, Inc. logo

About Autism Society of Florida, Inc.

The mission of the Autism Society of Florida (ASF) is to assure full participation and self-determination in every aspect of life for each individual on the spectrum. ASF Initiatives Include: Police and First Responder Trainings; Water Safety Instructor Training; Legislative Advocacy Statewide Education & Support for Self-Advocates, Parents, & Providers; Individualized Family Support; and Professional Conferences The Autism Society of Florida is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Together we can help individuals with autism build meaningful lives and contribute to our communities through their unique gifts!

P.O Box 677055Orlando, FL 32867


Health, Disabled persons' rights, Education, Swimming, Autism



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Alliance/Advocacy Organizations

Autism Society of Florida, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 59-2910367. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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