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Banyan Tree Clinics

The mission of Banyan Tree Clinics is to provide health system strengthening to existing clinics and to build new clinics where ne...Learn more

Banyan Tree Clinics logo

About Banyan Tree Clinics

The mission of Banyan Tree Clinics is to provide health system strengthening to existing clinics and to build new clinics where needed in rural communities in Cambodia. This will be accomplished by working within the existing government and community infrastructure to: Provide supplemental medical equipment and medications; Fund travel arrangements for patients needing higher levels of care; Provide supplementary salary for physicians to enhance job retention; and, Train and fund community health workers. All assistance provided will be based on the needs of individual communities through collaboration with government and community leaders. The efforts to improve health equality and accessibility will be respectful of local customs and culture.

1200 NW Marshall St Ste 513Portland, OR 97209


Medical support services



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Health Support Services

Banyan Tree Clinics is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 86-2060526. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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