Barnard Place Park is fundraising

Barnard Place Park
Please help maintain the community Barnard Place Park.
Barnard Place Park is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that came together when a group of Barnard Place residents decided to raise our voice about how we live in our community. With a considerable amount of hard work and dedication we successfully purchased a vacant parcel of land, previously owned by the City of Boston, to retain its open space for everyone to enjoy.
In the spring of 2019, we developed the Barnard Place Park conceptual designs with support from COGdesign (Community Outreach Group for Landscape Design), a nonprofit group that gives back tirelessly to communities across Massachusetts by donating the designs required to apply for Community Preservation funding. It was important for us to include two memorial benches in memory of longstanding Barnard Place residents Boston Firefighter Scott Salman & Arta Fritch, as well as honor the history of our surrounding community. We believe we have achieved a design that will bring thoughtfully landscaped open space to promote relaxation, honor the people who were the fabric of this area for decades, and include a recreational bocce court to pay homage to the Italian families who lived and played bocce here many years ago. We are excited to bring recreational bocce to the park as a way for the community to have some fun and get to know one another.
Please join our community to raise the additional funds needed to maintain this beautiful South Boston public park. With your help, we can maintain it properly for everyone to enjoy!
Your donation is 100% tax-deductible. If your company offers a matching gift program, please consider asking them to match your donation.
Thank you!
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12 supporters