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According to the ASPCA, "in just seven years, one unspayed female cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 kittens; one unspayed female dog and her offspring can produce 97,000 puppies."I am a teacher at B.C. Elmore Elementary School located in Settegast, TX. One of the issues we see in Settegast is neglected animals: during a quick drive through the area, you will see dogs kept on short chains, packs searching through trash for food, flea-ridden or mange-ridden dogs, and occasionally a deceased dog who has succumbed to its illnesses or cruelty. This is by no means a unique situation - the plight of neglected pets is widespread in Houston and many other areas - but because of Elmore's strong relationship with the community, we have the opportunity to enact change in Settegast.
Our mission is to educate our students and their families about proper pet care, connect families with low-cost resources and help, and provide financial assistance as needed. Spaying and neutering as many pets as possible is top priority, followed by heartworm prevention, vaccines, and education about how to take care of a pet properly.
Here are some of the dogs Elmore has been able to help over the past year:

Clive came to the front door of Elmore every day for almost a week. He was suffering immeasurably from sarcoptic mange and other parasites. He received the care he needed thanks to Lucky Lab Rescue and is now living in Massachusetts with his new family.

Poppy was found outside of Elmore's cafeteria. She probably would not have made it another night. She tested positive for heartworms along with being so emaciated she could barely move. Thanks to Houston K-911 and an incredible foster, she is now chubby, heartworm free, and living the good life with her new mom in Wisconsin.

Star was looking for food in the middle of a busy road near Elmore. She had a prolapsed uterus from overbreeding and needed an emergency procedure done. Following that procedure, she was found to have several mammary tumors which needed to be removed. Thanks to Southpaws Express, she is now recovered and being spoiled rotten by her amazing new mom in Rhode Island.

Charlotte was found limping down the street next to Elmore. She was skinny, scarred up, and seemed to be in immense abdominal pain. She was taken to an emergency vet, where it was determined her heartworm disease had progressed past treatment and had led to multiple organ failure. She was euthanized.

Little Rocket was trying to get into the school. He had mange and other parasites. A teacher from another school fostered him through Niagara Falls rescue while he was treated, and now he is living his best life in Canada with his new family.

Rya was reported by one of our students as a stray living near her house. She, like Charlotte, has heartworm disease that had progressed to a severe organ infection. A foster through Three Little Pitties is keeping her comfortable as they finish up treatment, and then she will be available to adopt.

Will the puppy was found living in a storm drain. His mother gave birth to him on the streets, but was hit and killed by a car. Will was picked up and treated for worms and infections by Houston K-911 Rescue. He is now living with his foster family and waiting to be transported for adoption.

Pepper was found desperately searching for food on the streets. She may have some vision impairment in one eye. She is being treated in Maryland by Needful Souls Dog Rescue, and hopes to go with her adoptive mom after her upcoming spay and vet treatment.
While we were able to help many of these individual dogs, finding solutions for one at a time does not solve the real problems, which are overpopulation and lack of care. For every dog we pick up and try to help, there are many more born into this life. We hope that with time and better resources, we can help eliminate the neglect on a much bigger scale.
Cost of one spay/neuter: $69Cost of one vaccine: $15Cost of one monthly heartworm preventative pill: $7(Through Emancipet)
If we raise $690, that spays 10 dogs. According to the ASPCA's math, over the next 7 years, those 10 dogs and their offspring could produce up to 970,000 more dogs in an area that struggles to look after its existing pet population. Thank you for caring about our mission (well, one of our missions!) at Elmore Elementary School!
[Barrio Dogs, Inc. has graciously offered to keep and allocate our funds, as our mission closely aligns with theirs. We will also be seeking guidance from them as this program unfolds. Donations will go directly to them, but will be held separately from their general funds.
More information about Barrio Dogs, Inc. (N/A): Barrio Dogs is an animal welfare organization based in Houston, Texas. Our goal is to end animal overpopulation, homelessness and cruelty in our city. To achieve these goals we focus on education programs designed to raise awareness in low-income communities about proper animal care and how to identify and report animal cruelty. We put special emphasis on encouraging pet owners to spay or neuter their pets. As part of these efforts we conduct presentations in local schools and community centers as well as providing free spay-neuter, vaccination and micro-chipping services four times each year to residents of these communities.]