Avery Gallups is fundraising

Bryan County High School Marching Band Uniforms
The Bryan County Pride of the Tribe Marching Band is looking for your support!
Bryan County Middle/High School is a Title 1 school located in Pembroke, Ga. Our band program strives to teach students in grades 6-12 how to express themselves through music and further their growth as not only musicians but individuals as well. The Bryan County High School Marching Band has had a profound impact on the community since its founding in the 1980s. Throughout the years, the band has competed all over the state of Georgia and surrounding areas, often coming home with superior ratings, best-in-class captions, and experiences that last a lifetime.
Our current uniforms (pictured on the right) are 8 years old. We currently do not have enough uniforms to fit every student in the band for the upcoming fall season, as we have experienced substantial growth in the past two years. This is a fantastic problem for any band program to have, but with a new Hyundai plant coming to the area, we are expecting this growth to continue in the coming years.
We would love if you could help us continue our tradition of musical excellence and consider contributing to the Bryan County Pride of the Tribe Uniform Replacement Fund. All contributions are tax-deductible and all donations over $50 will be recognized in our concert programs. If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Gallups.
The total goal reflects the price of 75 uniform jackets, shako wraps, plumes, and drapes. This will allow us to fit every student into a uniform and grow our numbers for the coming years.
Note from Avery Gallups, band director:
“I would like to take this opportunity to encourage your support of the Bryan County Pride of the Tribe Uniform Fund. It has been my honor and privilege to work as a director for the Marching Band at Bryan County Middle/ High School for the last two years. In just my time here as band director, the band has received superior ratings at several marching band competitions as well as several best-in-class awards including best-in-class band, percussion, Color Guard, and Drum Major. It is the dedication and hard work of the students and the support of their parents that have helped to make such quality performances possible. We are now asking you to support these fine young students with your financial contribution.
I would like to thank you in advance for your participation in our Uniform Replacement Campaign and for your continued support of the BCMHS music program.”
Avery Gallups, Director of Bands,
Bryan County Middle/ High School
"Marching isn't a regular sport, it's something you cherish.
Over the years marching band has shown me that people can become a family without being related by blood but by the strong bonds we create.
It's made me realize nobody can make it on their own. You need your friends and your section with you every step of the way. And in addition to that you create strong friendships that'll last for a lifetime. But in the end, teamwork and my section mates made me realize you don't have to be perfect in this sport, just work hard and be yourself."
Douglas Johnson '24
"I wouldn’t have made it through all the curveballs that life has thrown at me had it not been for marching band, which taught me to stay positive in any situation. While school can teach me an abundance of skills and facts, marching band will always stand out as what taught me the most about being a good role model, a good friend, and a good team player. Because of the people I met, the experiences I had, the confidence I gained, and the laughs I had, I am the person I am today."
Jillian Moody '23
"Marching band has overall allowed me to truly find myself and explore different interests within the sport. Not only did I learn to be more confident in myself and my performance, I was able to support my peers and encourage them to feel the same way. Many new experiences and unforgettable memories were made during my time while in marching band, and I will always cherish that."
Lauren Brown '23
"Marching Band/ Colorguard has changed my life for the better. I have met so many people that forever will have a part in my life. I’ve learned how to lead and be a better leader not only for myself but others too. It has also opened me to meeting adults who will forever be a role model in my eyes. It brings countless opportunities for scholarships, and lifelong learning. The lessons I’ve learned I not only apply during band but in my actual life too."
Celine Nguyen '23
"Before joining marching band, I was a very different person. I was super shy, and I never really talked to anybody. I joined marching band as a rookie back in 7th grade because the band director at the time was rebuilding the program and needed more members, so I decided to join to see what it was about. The rest is history. Through marching band, I found long-lasting friendships, I became a better musician, and it caused me to come out of my shell and become an inspiration for others. Marching band had a huge impact on me wanting to go to college to major in Music Education. Marching band made me the person I am today, and I would not change it for the world."
Lawrence Lowe III '22
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26 supporters