Ben Smith is fundraising

Raise The Roof
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Beacon Baptist Church of Lancaster South Carolina, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause which means so much to me. This church is making a huge difference for Christ in their community. Reverend Jones accepted the call to pastor in October 2019 after the previous pastor had passed away. At that time the church had 9 faithful members remaining. Since that time through Covid the congregation has been growing and this year alone 18 people have been saved and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Many ministries have been added including children's church, student ministries, VBS each summer, ladies' and men's ministry. The church is also active outside the ministry with outreach in the community with assisted living homes in the area. The need is the roof needs replacing, the church was built in the 1970s and the roof has been repatched numerous times. It is now well past its life. Through the fellowship, we have a contractor willing to do the roof basically at cost with an estimate of 20K dollars. Normally a roof of this size would run 45k-60k dollars. The church needs your help to continue to have a safe meeting place to continue to do God's work. Would you prayerfully consider helping Beacon Baptist Church RAISE THE ROOF!
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5 supporters