Black Rock BRMBA is fundraising

BRMBA Assistance Fund 2023
Friends of BRMBA,
2022 was quite a year for Black Rock, our little gem of a trail system. From a forced closure due to storm damage, to opening with a freshly graded road and loads of support from all of you, it was a year of great progress. We have continued in the traditions of being entirely volunteer-run, hosting fabulous work parties, and providing opportunities for individuals to influence the experience for the better. We are planning for 2023 to be a year of bigger opportunities, more gnar, more events and getting back to what we do best….building freeride features.
This, however, will come at a cost. Our new building standards call for more than just wood picked up from the forest floor. To do things right, we need $10,000.
We also need to continue paying our bills for things like insurance to cover everyone's necks, and portable toilets to contain everyone’s “dietary choices.”
We are setting our fundraising goal this year at $15,000. This will keep our beautiful gem running YEAR-ROUND as it has for the last 20 years, and allow us to make the improvements our community has been requesting.
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74 supporters