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Boulder Emergency Squad, Inc. logoVerified

Boulder Emergency Squad, Inc.

Boulder Emergency Squad is a professionally trained and certified all-volunteer search and rescue team (501.c3 non-profit) who saf...Learn more

Boulder Emergency Squad, Inc. logo

About Boulder Emergency Squad, Inc.

Boulder Emergency Squad is a professionally trained and certified all-volunteer search and rescue team (501.c3 non-profit) who safely delivers high quality and timely emergency search, rescue and support services to the people of Boulder County. Services include Water and Dive rescue, Urban and rural search management, Vehicle and aircraft extrication, Rope rescue and low-angle evacuations, UAS aerial search and assessment, and Wildland fire suppression; In addition, BES provides Ancillary services including structure fire support, traffic control, disaster assistance, incident staging, and other emergency support services.

3532 Diagonal HighwayBoulder, CO 80301


Search and rescue



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Search and Rescue Services

Boulder Emergency Squad, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 84-6059143. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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