Cutter Tyllia is fundraising

Bryan McDonough Military Heroes Golf Challenge
STORY: For the past 8+ years or so, Chris Otto (MP Nexlevel Controller), Jerad Kaufmann (Viking Omaha Service Manager), Cutter Tyllia (NSG Director of Sales) and Brandon McGeary (NSG Accounting Team Lead) have played in the American Heroes Golf Classic ( During those 8+ years, APi Group has been gracious enough to support this cause by sponsoring a hole and foursome for the golf outing. This event is the largest fundraiser for the Bryan McDonough Military Heroes Foundation (
The foundation was established by Tom and Renee McDonough (Bryan’s parents) in honor of their son’s service to his country. Bryan laid down his life during Operation Iraqi Freedom on December 2, 2006. The money raised benefits and supports the families of Minnesota's military and their families who have been affected by war. Last year alone over $70,000 was presented to two deserving organizations, $50,000 to the Fisher House Foundation, $20,000 to Pain Free Patriots, as well as $6,300 for a Purple Heart Veteran’s Shepherd/Lab.
Jerad and Chris grew up with the McDonough family so the event and cause are near and dear to them. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the event was cancelled this year. Although this year’s event was cancelled, we still wanted to help the cause in any way that we can. Jerad came up with an idea to challenge Russ Becker and three others, against our foursome to a round of golf. Russ has accepted the challenge and we will be playing our match on September 16th. We have setup a GoFundMe page to send out to friends, family, and APi companies. All proceeds will go to the Bryan McDonough Military Heroes Foundation.
FORMAT: Each team will be playing a 18 hole four-person scramble. The team with the lowest combined score at the end of 18 shall be declared the winner.
STAKES: Each team has provided a company Sponsor. The sponsor of the losing team will be asked to match the total amount raised on the GoFundMe campaign, up to $5,000. The team of Otto, Kaufmann, Tyllia, and McGeary are sponsored by APi National Service Group, Viking Fire Protection Group, and MP Nexlevel. The team of Russ Becker and Co. is sponsored by APi Group. Help us build the fundraising "pot" to put the pressure on the two teams battling it out!

The foundation was established by Tom and Renee McDonough (Bryan’s parents) in honor of their son’s service to his country. Bryan laid down his life during Operation Iraqi Freedom on December 2, 2006. The money raised benefits and supports the families of Minnesota's military and their families who have been affected by war. Last year alone over $70,000 was presented to two deserving organizations, $50,000 to the Fisher House Foundation, $20,000 to Pain Free Patriots, as well as $6,300 for a Purple Heart Veteran’s Shepherd/Lab.
Jerad and Chris grew up with the McDonough family so the event and cause are near and dear to them. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the event was cancelled this year. Although this year’s event was cancelled, we still wanted to help the cause in any way that we can. Jerad came up with an idea to challenge Russ Becker and three others, against our foursome to a round of golf. Russ has accepted the challenge and we will be playing our match on September 16th. We have setup a GoFundMe page to send out to friends, family, and APi companies. All proceeds will go to the Bryan McDonough Military Heroes Foundation.
FORMAT: Each team will be playing a 18 hole four-person scramble. The team with the lowest combined score at the end of 18 shall be declared the winner.
STAKES: Each team has provided a company Sponsor. The sponsor of the losing team will be asked to match the total amount raised on the GoFundMe campaign, up to $5,000. The team of Otto, Kaufmann, Tyllia, and McGeary are sponsored by APi National Service Group, Viking Fire Protection Group, and MP Nexlevel. The team of Russ Becker and Co. is sponsored by APi Group. Help us build the fundraising "pot" to put the pressure on the two teams battling it out!

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46 supporters