Claudia Renchy Morton is fundraising

Help Make BHS Downtown Beautiful!
Please Help Make BHS Downtown Beautiful!
Would you consider donating to help us buy plants, other artistic improvements and install a mural in our high school that has no windows?
Burlington High School is a very special place to be! We have students from all over the world here as Burlington, Vermont has been a resettlement city welcoming refugees from all over the world. We have more than 40 languages spoken here and 50% of our school population receives free and reduced lunch. Our school spirit is amazing as are our teachers, students and staff!
You may have heard about the international story that Burlington, Vermont teenagers are going to school in a downtown Macy’s building!
If Covid wasn’t difficult enough, a day or two after students were approved to go back high school last fall, they were sent home due to a too high level of PCBs in the air at the high school built in the 1960s! Amazingly our administrators, teachers, contractors and volunteers came together quickly and were able to retrofit an empty Macy’s department store into a high school in record time!
The BHS community is so grateful for a space downtown to come together and learn. We are sure this is a learning experience that our students will probably talk about for years to come. And overall, it is AWESOME!
There are few needs to make this space more comfortable. One big thing is that there are NO WINDOWS and lots of white walls.
That is why we would welcome any donation, large or small, to help us add more plants, art work and a mural installation. We are super grateful that the Onda Foundation kicked off this effort by giving us a grant and that the Vermont Arts Council awarded our artist Phoebe Lo a grant to help with the mural installation. We still need more funds and that is where whatever you can give is so helpful!
And all of this art and greenery can be relocated if a move in the future occurs.
Thank you for your consideration!
Seahorse Pride BHS Parent Volunteers
P.S. Below is more information about our muralist.
Our muralist is Phoebe Lo. Blending nostalgic form with color exploration, Phoebe embeds a playfulness in her work that invites you to see the world through a lens of joy. She is based in the old north end in Burlington, Vermont on the land of the Missisquoi of the Abenaki Nation.
Phoebe’s style often incorporates a botanical element which helps bring the nature inside a space.
More information about Burlington Students Foundation: We fund educational and enrichment opportunities for all Burlington, Vermont students.
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66 supporters