Help Support the Search for Davey G. Johnson
Update - June 10, 2019 - 1:31 PM Pacific
Everyone. Thanks so much for the donations! An incredible effort to help the first responders looking for Davey.
At this point, we are going to pause the campaign until we hear further news.
For further updates on this search, please follow @AbigailBassett, who has been doing an amazing job handling everyone’s questions and keeping everyone informed.
Please keep Davey and the Search and Rescue teams in your thoughts.
- Mike
Know lots of folks are keeping Davey G. Johnson in their thoughts and some are asking how they can help.
This GoFundMe campaign is to do exactly that.
We're raising funds to benefit Calaveras County Search and Rescue, a volunteer arm of the Sheriff’s Department. This group has organized the search for Davey and is well positioned to determine what they need.
More details can be found here: http://calaverassar.org/frequently-asked-questions/

Not everyone can be there to help on the ground but at least we can help the search teams.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause.
- All of those hoping for Davey to get home safe.
Contact - Mike Levine for additional details. levine_michael *at* yahoo *dot* com
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