Help CCRPA efforts to protect sacred sites
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1. Protect and preserve cultural resources such as resource areas, sacred areas, historical sites, archaeological sites, burial si...Learn more
Fundraisers created by supporters like you
1. Protect and preserve cultural resources such as resource areas, sacred areas, historical sites, archaeological sites, burial sites, and American Indian traditional knowledge2. Compile lists of archaeological sites or other appropriate cultural resources that are threatened, preserved, or destroyed3. Provide peer review and preservation consultation services4. Nominate significant archaeological sites or other appropriate cultural resources to the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historic Properties5. Access available funding for the preservation of cultural resources6. Promote public education and interest in cultural resource preservation7. Provide cultural resource preservation input to appropriate State, Federal and local agencies8. Establish and promote communication networks for cultural resource preservation9. Promote stewardship programs for cultural resource sites10. Establish and promote forums for discussion of cultural resource preservation11. Consider appropriate actions to defend and protect significant cultural resources12. Educate the public regarding the history and cultural traditions of the Juaneno/Acjachemen, the First People of Orange County
Historical activities
Historical Societies and Related Activities
California Cultural Resources Preservation Alliance is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 33-1053783. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.
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