Tommy and Regina King is fundraising
UPDATE on Calvary Temple Assembly of God - Repairs
UPDATE 02/28/24:
It has been almost a year since the church suffered the first damage, so we would like to update you on the situation. Calvary Temple is still in deliberation with Church Mutual Insurance Company over the damage caused (see pictures below); therefore, no further work has been completed on the church because of this and services are still being held in the gymnasium.
After months of waiting for the insurance company to examine and determine the estimated cost of damages, the church has just recently been informed by them that we must pay a second deductible on a second claim. The second claim is to cover damage suffered on the back wall of the church. Please note that the church previously paid for an engineer’s report which was conducted on the back wall, and from the report, it was determined that the damage would be covered under the first claim. However, the insurance company then had their own engineer’s report completed and they now inform us that the damage incurred would not fall under the first claim and have opened a second claim. This second claim’s deductible amounts to over $48,000.00, which is the same amount the church has already paid to the insurance company for the first deductible.
This matter could be settled in court; however, we realize that the issue may be tied up in legal negotiations for several years, if so. Also, since some of the work has already been completed, the best solution is to just pay the second deductible and get the work started so services could be once again held in the church. Church pledges have been taken and fundraisers have been scheduled to try and meet this second claim’s deductible; however, we are a small congregation.
We felt led in prayer to bring forth this need once again; asking that you prayerfully consider the opportunity to financially give to this second claim’s deductible. We are believing God will meet this need through His people’s generous support. May God bless you for any assistance possible.
Thank you,
Tommy and Regina King
Dear Friends and Family,
As some of you may know, on March the 2nd of this year, Calvary Temple Assembly of God located in the Mesquite/Balch Springs area of Texas suffered significant damage from what was thought to be a tornado but was later documented to be just very high, straight winds. The damage was severe in that it destroyed the church’s carport and air conditioners, destroyed the church’s large sign, and took part of the church’s roof off, as well as causing damage to the recently remodeled sanctuary. So, because the damage was documented to be just very high, straight winds instead of a tornado actually hitting the church, the insurance deductible automatically increased.
Since then, the church has been struggling with being able to meet this extremely high insurance deductible. To date, the carport and air conditioners have been repaired/replaced and a beam has also been repaired in the sanctuary. However, the large church sign, as well as the church’s roof and damage to the sanctuary, are still waiting to be repaired. Presently, worship services have been moved to the church’s gymnasium.
Then this morning, July 10th, at approximately 9:15 a.m., very high winds again caused severe damage to the church; taking down all of the brick wall from the top story of the back of the church and part of the second story. The parking lot is littered with brick, exposing the inside of the second and third story of the back of the church. By God’s grace, no one was at the church during either of these catastrophes. But much work will need to be done to just enclose this now exposed area of the back of the church with a tarp, in addition to cleaning the parking lot of the fallen brick.
As a family that attends this church, we felt led to start this GoFundMe page for the church. This church has suffered severe damage twice now and is in need of not only prayers but financial assistance, as well. Many friends have sent their concerns and prayers regarding these devastations, some have sent donations and those are greatly appreciated by this assembly.
Please prayerfully consider the opportunity to financially give to this catastrophic need of Calvary Temple Assembly of God. With each passing day and the possibility of more rain on the horizon this week, there is a risk of additional damage to the roof and to the church sanctuary.
With your financial help, we trust that God will supply the resources needed, very soon, to reopen our church doors again. We thank God for our worldwide church family and for any consideration of financial generosity you deem worthy. Please note that every penny of any donation given will be used only toward the repairs needed on the church. And please also pray for Calvary Temple Assembly that God’s work, through this assembly, will reach even more lost souls!
Tommy and Regina King
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11 supporters