New Camaldoli Hermitage Relief Fund
Dear friends:
The situation with the road has suddenly gotten very real.
Saturday, September 29, we finally received word that we had gotten expedited building review and full planning approval from the county to build the new access road. This has been a long, expensive, and tedious project involving geologists, engineers, soils experts and countless hours of meetings.
Two days later we got the estimate and contract from Chapin Construction who is ready to do the work, in two phases as recommended by the county. We are on their schedule, depending on dry weather, for October 15th. The shocker was that the cost of Phase I is already $1.2 million.
October 3, we had our first rains. We are never sure of these things, but predictions are for another El Niño this winter. This morning I walked our existing road and I fear that it will not survive another rainy season. Caltrans is still working on Paul’s Slide, which abuts our road, and, though they say it is not related, our road is still slipping. I saw several new cracks in the already damaged section.
Having already spent $300,000 of money we did not plan on spending for the road, this leaves the Hermitage in a sobering financial situation with very little cushion. And so along with our Capital Campaign we are reviving this GoFundMe page. If you are in a position to give a financial gift, please consider it, and help us keep this beautiful place of retreat and renewal open and accessible.
In hope, with thanks.
Fr. Cyprian, Prior
Please consider making a gift at this time either through this Go Fund Me page, or directly to the Hermitage (click here ).
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