Ray and Teresa Swallow have given generously of their time and wisdom for decades. Teresa serves on the Green Forest library board. For decades, Ray has taught generations of Green Forest scouts how to pitch a tent, paddle a canoe, fly fish, hike, tell the difference between a largemouth, stripe, rock, or black bass, fix dinner over a campfire, swim, string a trot line, save a buddy, hack their way through the woods, perform first aid, decide whether to clean or filet a catch -- to honor God and Country ... and how to hold the flag correctly when leading the Green Forest Christmas parade.
Days ago, their home burned to the ground with a complete loss of everything. Ray works full-time at Walmart, but they'd cut back to help meet Teresa's recent medical expenses -- and so they had no homeowners insurance.
Well past retirement age, they are starting completely over. We'd like to give them a helping hand as they start again. It'd be great if we could raise the down payment for them to put a modular home on their property.
Will you help? If you ever camped out on Beaver Lake with Ray, learned how to tie a knot correctly as he joked with you, or pondered how to navigate life as you stared up at the stars from your sleeping bag -- will you lend Ray and Teresa a hand?